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Everything posted by thedoctor1971

  1. Tornado jolts southern Mississippi http://t.co/HTGWKXxE #cnn

  2. Blah, time to get ready for work.

  3. Nice thunder happening outside. Grumbly.

  4. Have now Googled to see what horse meat tastes like. Apparently like beef only a bit sweeter.

  5. Well, shit. Somehow I ended up with a 15 foot USB extension cable. Swear I ordered HDMI. *looks at website*

  6. My cat just sliced open a zip lock bag like she has scissors for paws. O_o

  7. By virtue of having the loudest speakers I'm forcing everyone at work to listen to Safety Dance.

  8. Nearly every time I enter my room carrying a can of diet coke I set it on the armoire and sit down at my desk forgetting it. -_-

  9. I wish people would quit mentioning food. #hungry

  10. Got a package from @Jess_Haines today. She's the bestest! :D

  11. The sound of one cat trotting around the room in her post poop lap is odd.

  12. Just got home, ate, then sat down to do something but now I can't remember what.

  13. *mumbles about @scalzi and files for a trademark on "next band"*

  14. For some reason Amazon keeps trying to sell me on demand water heaters.

  15. Word complete tried to make plum a plumber. Completely different sentence there.

  16. Love this! RT @iammrvandy: Dick Van Dyke and the Vantastix sing Chitty Chitty Bang Bang http://t.co/1kEcMKLl

  17. I seem to have forgotten to charge my razor. Oops. Fortunately it charges quickly because I can't hide 2 days growth at work. #furry

  18. Cat Farts is the name of my next band.

  19. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, it was great.

  20. Well, and another gift package I wasn't expecting. *feels loved*

  21. Using my furry black cat as a blanket. She's nice and warm. http://t.co/e4josRne

  22. If I could find a local place that had the Parrot @ardrone in stock I'd probably go buy it. #impulseshopper

  23. First thing my sister says on arriving is "there's a tarantula in the front seat, will you get it for me?"

  24. Looks like my sister is almost here. Volunteers to unload the truck would be nice... No? *sigh*

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