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Status Updates posted by shepmcallister

  1. My early fourth round selection of Matt Ryan doesn’t look like such a reach anymore.

  2. RT @kept_simple: absolutely do not regret following kinja deals https://t.co/fSACcO7G6H

  3. This makes so much sense. Apple buying Nokia would shore up nearly all of the company's major weakness. http://t.co/YM5NyEso

  4. Oh yeah, I'm sure there will be huge lines. http://t.co/0Dab5WOa

  5. My ferofluid display from ThinkGeek got here today. I shouldn’t be in charge of my own money. http://t.co/dfmj0Rxk

  6. Settings>Maps>Label Size>Small. Packs a little more information on-screen for iOS Maps. http://t.co/GgL40czD

  7. .@ftlgame would be amazing on the iPad.

  8. I wish iOS 6 panoramas made the phone vibrate when you started to get off-center

  9. It's surprising that a bigger deal hasn't been made of Apple not having Lightning to 30 Pin adapters ready to ship on Day 1.

  10. Is there anything preventing third party devs from creating a Google Maps app with their API?

  11. Just discovered that Siri can flip a coin and roll dice. Pretty handy.

  12. Honest question. Can Arrested Development be nominated next year since it won't technically be a TV series? CC @i_am_media

  13. “Open Handset Alliance” is a pretty ironic name. http://t.co/oqD3a5aN

  14. iOS 6 seems to join Apple Store wi-fi automatically. Is that new?

  15. A Shared Photo Stream of some great iPhone 5 wallpapers. https://t.co/3aa6nuOA

  16. How the hell is this so light?

  17. Remember like a month ago when Twitter was awesome and Facebook was evil?

  18. Alright, how do I get these Facebook birthday reminders out of Notification Center?

  19. The ability to upload photos and videos through Safari in iOS 6 is something I’ll probably use twice, but it will be a complete lifesaver.

  20. My iPad is still saying 5.1.1 is the latest version.

  21. Did @verge not get a demo unit?

  22. Same for me RT @daringfireball: How AT&T Paid Andy Zaky $173.82 to Switch to Verizon: http://t.co/1zmCksS1

  23. So now that Apple can make black aluminum, how soon can I buy a black MacBook Air?

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