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Posts posted by stephendiamond

  1. Having read all the posts let me give my thoughts. I have an evo 3d, in my are we do not have wimax, but wimax has much better coverage then lte, so I am going to hold on to the 3d, and buy a note when it comes out. I will switch back and forth as needed. I live in a resort area. I have lousy sprint service during the summer, but sprint gave me an airave to help with my service. I have 100mb service from comcast, I use wifi at my house for the phone. I also do not restrict my airave, so anyone in range can use it. it uses very little bandwith, and I can tell by the blinking lights on the unit alot of people are connecting to it. I stay with sprint because I like the certainty of knowing what I will pay every month, and not worry about data use. I have the standard 450 plan, but with all cell calls being free I never come near my minute cap. Let me tell you about a friend of mine. His Dad had a heart attack and he was at the hospital for weeks, he used 1800 minutes on his 450 plan, because many members of the family only had land lines. Sprint saw the high used, they CALLED HIM and told him about an option not many people know about you can buy extra anytime minutes, as long as your billing cycle has not closed for $5.00 per hundred minutes, so instead of .35 cents a minute $21.00 an hour for a total of 310.00 he paid 65.00 a much easier bill to pay. I think the buffet post earlier said it best I like Sprint with unlimited data, I just think you need to be responsible. Not only is offloading much faster for me, I think it is simply the right thing to do. If Sprint doesnt make a profit, we are going to left with two carriers who will only go into profitable areas, and rural people will be relegated to third world infrastructure.

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