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Status Updates posted by dcplaya

  1. Imma take it grandpa style! @t_rex_and_me RT @dfledderjohn: I need to invest in more grandpa sweaters #cozy

  2. @Cloudflare Seems like your system to email auth keys and reset passwords are not working. Ive been waiting for a a… https://t.co/cEFAjNwkzG

  3. How was this account created so quickly! RT @horsebayonette: I can run fast and stab things. Put me in, coach!

  4. Reddit is down... im bored! The end is here

  5. «@RootzWiki If you are on Sprint RT this and tell us what you have! Make sure to follow for a surprise!» I have a galaxy nexus!

  6. That #LSU hit was hilarious!

  7. Obama on the Daily Show... YES!!

  8. Did @comex really say "iOS hacking 'feels like editing an English paper.'"... I bow down to you sir and I dont even own an iOS device!

  9. Hmm should I have Earl Grey presented by Wolfgang Puck tea or Chamomile tea also by Mr Puck?

  10. «@Hexxeh «@FeIixBaumgartnr I just jumped out of space. What the fuck did you do with your day?»»

  11. So why you going to the airport? Flying somewhere?

  12. The meaning of life unlocked - http://t.co/OAp9AGKJ

  13. Why couldnt @Nokia make Android phones dammit!!

  14. Getting my @GoRomaNet fix since I'm in Chicago!! Going with the always delicious meat sauce and spaghetti.

  15. Uhh is @southwestair flying me to sea world without me knowing!!! http://t.co/xmjRdDQa #Shamu

  16. “@Gizmodo The 13 apps you need for a wild night of drinkin'. http://t.co/FAod43gU #HappyHour@T_rex_and_me 

  17. Whatever happened to the CM lockscreen that allowed custom unlock shapes? It was in CM7 but not 9 or 10. Anyone know? I loved that feature

  18. Woot!! RT @fitsnugly: jellybean notifications in plume's 4.56 alpha build!

  19. Chicago I am in you!!!.... for 20 minutes

  20. Hey @hertz why confirm my reservation and then sell out on all your cars! Now I am stranded in Houston and late to a job. Thanks #not

  21. Just realized I'm flying to Houston on 9/11... so there's that. Plus I've been up since 4am. Today already sucks!

  22. At the Cincy Beerfest. So many good beers! The Kentucky Bourbon Ale is damn good. Taste like bourbon! #Cincinnati 

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