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Status Updates posted by dcplaya

  1. “@AndroidPolice ESPN Releases X Games Apps For Android Phones And Tablets http://t.co/IwxFuKdM” @littlnads 

  2. “@Gizmodo The 13 apps you need for a wild night of drinkin'. http://t.co/FAod43gU #HappyHour@T_rex_and_me 

  3. «@Hexxeh «@FeIixBaumgartnr I just jumped out of space. What the fuck did you do with your day?»»

  4. «@RootzWiki If you are on Sprint RT this and tell us what you have! Make sure to follow for a surprise!» I have a galaxy nexus!

  5. @ChipotleTweets hungry! Sister had the audacity to go to Chipotle without waking me up!

  6. @Cloudflare Seems like your system to email auth keys and reset passwords are not working. Ive been waiting for a a… https://t.co/cEFAjNwkzG

  7. A little snow aint gonna stop me! @GoRomaNet here I come... in 40 minutes

  8. Actually a really good commercial for IE http://t.co/SnS0Y3RN

  9. Again I'm in a LTE Ares (Dallas) and my phone connects to LTE but never gets data. What's going on @sprint @sprintcare 

  10. Ah the Ides of March. RT @therealfitz: If your name is Caesar, you might want to call in sick today... Just sayin'...

  11. All burritos should be delivered like this!! http://t.co/oCPR8RvZ

  12. Anyone want to buy me a MakerBot? Ill put it together

  13. Apparently I am famous! I am in the line for TSA in Raleigh/Durham and a TSA agent walks up to me and says "Are you on TV or something?"

  14. At the Cincy Beerfest. So many good beers! The Kentucky Bourbon Ale is damn good. Taste like bourbon! #Cincinnati 

  15. Can you comment @DeathStarPR ? “@gruber I’ll bet Darth Vader’s farts are fucking rank.”

  16. Cannot wait for @YardHouse to open in Cincinnati!! http://t.co/5kyxE6nCjh #KegDay

  17. Canonical's Ubuntu for Phone looks pretty damn sweet honestly. I will definitely try it out on my tablet and maybe my phone

  18. Chicago I am in you!!!.... for 20 minutes

  19. Did @comex really say "iOS hacking 'feels like editing an English paper.'"... I bow down to you sir and I dont even own an iOS device!

  20. Drinking a Samuel Adams Boston Lager by @SamuelAdamsBeerhttp://t.co/klMTcHt4 #photo

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