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Status Updates posted by jaredweseman

  1. RT @fkajack: elio? i haven't heard that name in years... https://t.co/TRTF4LwMVh

  2. RT @spindlypete: THIS WEBSITE COSTS ZERO DOLLARS https://t.co/eN3fiIUiMv

  3. RT @kumailn: Oof. We are beyond parody. https://t.co/bENdmLCeam

  4. RT @AUTOAMERlCAN: You probably have to be related, too. https://t.co/HJO7EIK7xo

  5. RT @guybranum: Guys, @rilaws's essay on @Adaripp is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. PLEASE read it. https://t.co/ymhNhX6CxW

  6. RT @TOUCHonTV: Ayo good morning Logang wass poppin https://t.co/drUPYojp6K

  7. RT @SethAbramson: PLEASE RETWEET if you agree that, after releasing a deliberately misleading memo over the objections of the DOJ/FBI, Devi…

  8. A flight @ Beards Brewery https://t.co/5LZ1Ur6LGG https://t.co/fkwjXg6eyK

  9. RT @ananavarro: There is no logical reason on the merits, for McConnell to object to guaranteeing military pay and death benefits during sh…

  10. RT @ezraklein: I've never seen anything as cynical in politics as Republicans spending 4 months refusing to reauthorize the Children's Heal…

  11. RT @jonfavs: Yeah, that Michael Wolff book was totally off https://t.co/ZTe2tU6kO9

  12. RT @fransquishco: i would like to announce that i am also a very stable genius

  13. RT @bessbell: We're living in an incredible era where we might die in a nuclear inferno because a 70-year old basket case whose dad never l…

  14. RT @finah: bitch me too he ain’t special https://t.co/MbLXnODjEB

  15. RT @jonfavs: 1. A bipartisan bill to extend the Children’s Health Insurance program passed the Senate Finance Committee on 10/4 2. House R…

  16. RT @mckaycoppins: USA Today editorial board: "A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the to…

  17. I listened to 43,193 Minutes of music https://t.co/bxoxgbehvn

  18. RT @ezraklein: Republicans have settled the debate on whether they give a damn about debt and deficits. They don’t. https://t.co/eDyilJOvFx

  19. RT @JasonKander: Imagine being so heartless that you want to endorse a pedophile, yet so cowardly that you can't use the word endorse. http…

  20. RT @JasonKander: Imagine being so heartless that you want to endorse a pedophile, yet so cowardly that you can't use the word endorse. http…

  21. RT @Dufined: prolly to suck his dick https://t.co/2KgiDpBdxI

  22. RT @fakedansavage: Anti-gay bigot Tony Perkins—a man who sits at his desk on a pile of dead gay kids—is alleged to have kept quiet about th…

  23. RT @riseuphes: I have a chrome extension that makes all of trump's tweets seem like they were written in crayon. This one is just a little…

  24. RT @Mikel_Jollett: GOP: WE believe Democrats ran a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza parlor that had no basement. Also GOP: We don…

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