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Everything posted by pablumatic

  1. I work in Charleston and drive through it every week day and only get LTE in the parking lot of my workplace up in the Northgate business park. Everywhere else I get 3G.
  2. Got a very weak LTE signal out in the parking lot of my work office up in the Northgate business park in Charleston, WV. Indoors nothing, but that is the same for all cell signals up here at Northgate. Speed test showed about 300KB a sec.
  3. As good as this sounds for people like me it sounds like this will be causing further delay. Not that we were getting closer to 4G under Ntelos's control of the area.
  4. I posted once in this thread about my friend being told 4G was coming to the Charleston, WV area in April at the Sprint store in South Charleston. Obviously that has not happened. The situation is pretty intolerable at this point and I absolutely will be switching carriers when my current contract expires.
  5. I heard this from a friend who just got a new iPhone 6 at the Sprint store in South Charleston, WV. The Sprint employee there said the area will be getting LTE sometime in April. So hopefully Sprint customers soon will be getting 4G in the Charleston region.
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