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Posts posted by haasbat

  1. Not sure if this has come up elsewhere, regarding the Moto X/M leak a few weeks ago (just move it if it has), but I can't seem to find any information on the SOC that is being reported. Only thing I seem to find is that it's Cat-6 compatible, but it doesn't appear that this chipset is used in any existing Sprint phones (or other US phone, seems only to be overseas) to get an idea of how well the radios work and what the connectivity would be like.




    Obviously, it would only have 2-band CA as well as other limitations, but do we have anything comparable to this to give us an idea if we should be watching for a mid-range phone that will be hitting above its weight class? Or should we all just suck it up and go with the next Nexus and the Snapdragon 82X? I'm really gunning for the 4.6" Moto, but if the reception is lacking (whether LTE or WiFi), or it's not Sprint LTE Plus compatible, I'd rather just not waste my time. I'm still rocking my 2013 Moto X, I just really wish it were LTE Plus at this point, with a little bit better RAM management.

    • Like 1
  2. Don't hold your breath for a second PCS LTE carrier. Sprint is still happily using all of its non-G-block PCS spectrum for 3G:



    That would actually explain why when my LTE signal is wonky, I can so easily switch to 3g for better connectivity.



    Sent from my XT1056 using Tapatalk

  3. 63e5c1a4db48c58f08c057b9843b51f7.jpg


    Second carrier B41 in Nola. If your from here you know the area.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


    MidCity getting some action... Need to start thinking about my next handset. Nexus 5 maybe?

    With some B41, Carrier Aggregation on the new chips, plus the potential to do a 10x10 LTE in 1900, speeds around here could finally be coming together.


    Now I just need a phone the size of my 2013 Moto X that can do it. Hmm...

    • Like 1
  4. Haven't heard anything. When 1x800 starts popping up 800 LTE should be with it.


    It will be a while before 2600 Spark gets here as WiMax was never rolled out here which means it will be a brand new cell site network getting rolled out.


    We shouldn't expect the WiMax signals in the CBD to be switched over sooner rather than later? I'd imagine they'd want the capacity for outdoor events on ASAP. I guess, do we even know where those antenna are located? I only know my Nexus S 4G picked up a good WiMax along Poydras and down Magazine all the way to about Felicity. Basically everywhere the Sensorly map showed.



  5. While stopped at the light. It's an LTE miracle!


    I was getting it clearly by the Superdome, 10 stories up. When I got to ground level, though, it was not picked up until I got to Poydras and Magazine. Then it was spotty all the way down Magazine, likely due to the trees.

  6. Found it. Dufossat and Tchoup. Pictures to follow later. 65 that is. Sensory plot uploading.


    Oh hot damn! That's right by my house. And I can pick that up by the Superdome!?!?

    There was nothing up there less than 2 weeks ago. That was fast, and that's a powerful signal.

  7. Maybe the one on Tchoup finally went live. At least we know that one has rru's up.


    If they're the ones at Soraparu and Orange, I feel like we'd have some celebration from the Best Bank, too. And so far, not a peep.

    That is a long way to go, from Riverbend to the Superdome.


    But yet, there is no dark purple anywhere in the middle of the city. Maybe Napoleon and Magnolia on the top of that Skin Institute building? I think it was listed as In Progress on the spreadsheet, but I don't know if that's from us, or from The Insider. But it's a 6 or 8 story building, with panels way at the top, so possibly the best one to cover such a wide area? Only problem is, that should make the new Napoleon and Camp purple much darker, and getting darker as it goes north, not lighter.

  8. I know I have probably missed this discussion somewhere else in this thread but why is it bad to plot with the galaxy nexus?

    Another member in New Orleans found even though on stock comparing Sensorly's detail screen to the LTE engineering it would show he barely had a signal in the LTE engineering screen but Sensorly was saying he had an excellent signal. He has refrained from mapping with the GNex.


    I had correspondence with the Sensorly app developer and sent him detailed descriptions and screen caps of the two scenarios I had. He said he'd look into it and get back to me. I'll update y'all when I hear anything.


    Can anyone else with a GNex duplicate my findings with stock Android (now, likely 4.2.1)?

    • Like 2
  9. When company comes and says, "ZOMG MARDI BALLS! LET'S GO TO BOURBON STREET!" I say, "here is your unmarked key. don't lose it. if you bang on the door when i'm asleep and the dogs bark, then i will shoot. put $10 in your shoe and your wallet in your front pocket with your insurance card near the top. have fun. don't get trampled. after 9pm, the bus runs once an hour."


    I've been once, and I don't need to ever go again. Canal isn't even worth it. i prefer my stoop where i can hear it all go by and enjoy my swing and my own booze.


    Fully agree, cabin on the mountain with the no phone, no tv, off the grid. Nothing but rainbow trout fishing, drinking, cooking, shooting guns, blowing stuff up and sleeping! Now we are talking.


    Btw Digi, this is a forum about Sprint, not Ron Swanson. B)

    • Like 2
  10. Thanks for the kind words as it makes it all worth it. I do find myself spending too much time here sometimes, hopefully I don't annoy too many people with the constant posting ;)


    We will see how the 800SMR "retention" does its thing. Still holding out hope that they might take a hard look towards the end of NV here since we are delayed several months anyways, hard look at the Nextel only sites and hopefully put some CDMA on them as NOLA got a bit of Synergy upgrades but BR was scheduled for a few along some new sites but it got scrapped when the capex for network upgrades was killed.


    Hell even if they only did one site I'd be 100 times happier.. it probably wouldn't cover my house much if they added this but I do go to this area quite a bit and pass through it everyday, dropped calls a lot on the EVO LTE here, the Note2 does much better here though. Picture is a thousand words... and FYI this a MAJOR traffic area due to people in Livingston parish (but I'm sure they have AT&T if they live there). I'm sure Sprint still racks up a good bit of roaming from this area though but probably not enough to pay for a site due to the customer base here. But you have to start somewhere on turning that stigma around to get customers.


    Really wish Sprint would have let me work with their engineering dept during RF design!




    If you get bored... go to http://www.sprint.com/coverage Zoom in on New Orleans down to where you can see the different colors for voice coverage. This is 1X coverage...keep that in mind as 1X "goes farther" than EVDO/LTE. No go to the Baton Rouge area...scroll around to all the areas. Notice anything? I will speak no more...


    Very interesting. There is spotty coverage as far into town as across the lake from LSU!! (around Lee Dr?)

    Also interesting, clicking the map to "Nextel" and it's almost all Blue. 800SMR will be nice when complete. I have friends that live between Denham and Walker, so it's good to know I'll have more reliable reception when I go visit.

  11. Don't waste your time going on Tulane. I knew it had to be a rogue rom. Sure enough, -115 is what I got there. It really is a huge waste of time running around hunting lte when people are using roms that may be using conflicting data.


    I know everyone here means well, and we all have the same goal, but please educate yourself about sensorly, what it does, and how you can contribute bad data if you don't practice safe sensorly.


    This is the nexus <excuse the pun> of my question. I have a stock Galaxy Nexus (that I flashed back to stock by following instructions from some guy on YouTube/XDA), so I want to make sure that I'm not polluting with this phone as I'm about to leave the building and create a trail of purple plops down Poydras.

  12. I'll check it out but all dark purple with no lighter purple before or after it makes me feel like it is Sensorly pollution. I was there earlier and couldn't find a signal.


    Could y'all explain Sensorly pollution for someone who is slow to comprehend?

    What causes it and how can make sure I don't do it?



  13. I know y'all've talked about how not every tower will get LTE, but do we know about how many will? eg, every other tower, every third tower? (I'm sure this has been answered somewhere, I'm want to apply it to NO/BR).


    So I'm thinking, if the Japonica tower puts out signal that far, Sprint might only turn on "a" CDB tower, 1 or 2 Uptown towers, and a Mid City tower to cover the bulk of the center of the city (thoughts?). Then I wonder, is that enough? And if so, I hope I live and work near the LTE towers.


    I'd also like to say, this forum embodies so much awesomeness. I mean, we have volunteers running a website, and crowd-sourcing real-time data to keep everyone else abreast of the latest information. It's pretty miraculous what can be accomplished with a little team work and good leadership. Props to everyone involved. Makes me glad to be on Sprint with such awesome people. I doubt the AT&T or Verizon communities did anything this cool. And if they did, I'll continue to pretend they didn't.


    Thanks to Robert for hosting this greatness, and regulars like digiblur who keep a keen eye on our market, and shepherds everyone through the technical details.

  14. ...and I'm looking out my window and I see this odd fellow walking around aimlessly in the intersection holding what looks like a wireless phone up high in the air. Is that you :)


    That may have been me playing Ingress on my walk to work... There are a few Portals near Poydras and Loyola.

    Vive la Resistance!

    • Like 1
  15. The signal while I was on canal was -112. As I drove down Decatur it got to -106. The only one at that end of canal is at royal, on the holiday inn. The sites on gravier, carondelet, canal@Claiborne were not broadcasting 4g when I mapped it out out today.


    Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I thought the panels were on top of the Astor Crown Plaza facing both riverbound and lakebound (and a 3rd one back by Iberville facing into the FQ).

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