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Everything posted by gz007

  1. So basically you know sprint has issues and dont want to talk about it. Its all legit constuctive criticism in which sprint wants to keep hush. I manage 20 bus offices and all have VZ LTE as a second source for data. None of my LTE Modems fall ever below 11-megs ever. I do test and monitor full time. I do know that if you are power user VZ and Sprint will slow your modem down. I know provisioning staff that have told me if I ever slow down to call and have them open my account back up for speed. I wont get technical here on what is done. My issues is Sprint is selling LTE in an area that IS live and they are no furture along today than 8months ago. Yes I will most likely leave but I will make statements that other potential new accounts should be aware before they are stuck.
  2. Hello all. I see the point above about holding back on turn ups and seems maybe sprint Is not doing this but from what ive seen there are still major issues with LTE signal penitration and lack of service in shadow areas. My local 3G tower was slated for LTE may 2012..postponed till aug..postponed till oct.. After 30days of tickets and complaining to cust serv I received a $200 credit on our bill which is a full month of service at our rate. Well here we are again 4mos later and no lte..Now sprint denies the tower was ever slated for LTE. This is my home tower which we are at 90% of the time. Yes other towers have LTE signals but while passing or not far from a tower 40% of the time I get speeds of 4-12megs up/dwn other times full bars but no transport and the last part, lte speeds at only 1meg down x 108-200kbps up. My home tower is 4miles from the next LTE which works most of the time but still no perfect. We have over 8000 homes in the area which might just be to small for conversion but the 3g is really poor. If they dont release me from contract but offer a credit Ill take it again which pays 2/3 cost to break contract.. I sell the phones on ebay for $200ish and Im good. btw verizon lte has been here for over a year and always gets 15-25megs down x 11megs up on my company and data modems. Id rather be capped at 5gigs on vz than not have anything at all.
  3. I am not trolling I am very unhappy with the sprint network over the last 3yrs. I am a former sero account and still have that status under the new plan I have 4 andriods = 2 evo and 2 SIII which are my personal accounts. I have 1 Verizonwireless LTE Smartphone which nails 22megs up and down regardless of where in FTW TX I am. I also have a VZW Pantec LTE mobile usb getting same speeds I tested the sprint LTE mobile usb and only got 3g For the last 2.3yrs none of my sprint evo 4G got 4G unless I was next to a known tower in which I got 10megs up and down. IF I drove more than a mile from those towers I was back to 3g. My issue with sprint is the lack of followup with getting the general area tweaked. I can be sitting anywhere North of 820 on Jacksboro hwy or along boatclub roads in specific and have poor reception. Today I was sitting at firehouse azle/boatclub watching my SIII go between 3g no bars and 4g no bars. It took 8min to try and download a 3meg app. My vwz was on lte at the time and again got 22megs. Since Im stuck in contracts Im going to make it a nice but loud issue that there are flaws and until sprint fixes them I will continue to make it known. Hey if sprint fixes the issues EVEN WITH THE 3G Im ok with it for now until LTE is completed in early 2013. I am a network manager and I have 6 ways to the internet just from my home office. I deal with the telco business offices all day long so I know this is a problem that needs to be addressed.
  4. I live up in the FTWorth Tx 76179 and had words with advanced tech support today with regards to solid 3g signals from Lake worth Tx - North up to Eagle Mtn Lake. Im using 2 new samsung SIII phones for the record. I was told that the LTE tower in Saginaw tx has been down for power problems now over a week with no etr. The 3g tower at Bailey Boswell rd & Boat club was due for 4G lte june of 2012 which has been revised to end of aug 2012. Im not holding my breath. My 3g signals show -88 to -101dbm even in the open outdoors. Im going to nicely start hounding sprint support for lack of any solid services in the general FTW area as I have also notice its slow with dropouts in downtown and even the hulen area around hwys 20 and 30. My company VZW 4G LTE always gets 4bars with 22meg up and down network speeds. Sprint is like a caveman using sticks and rocks. Keep you posted.
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