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Blog Comments posted by Wes

  1. I live in Dekalb area too, was dropping calls like it was my job back in spring and early summer. Though, I noticed the problems started more or less at the onset of 2012 for my area. The dropped calls continue, but they aren't as bad in Dekalb area as they were earlier. My service was so bad I demanded Sprint pay ME for losses incurred to my business by not being able to communicate properly. Instead, they are reducing my bill by $75/month, and offered to waive the early termination fee if I wished to end my contract with Sprint. I found the bill reduction to be a fair solution, so I still have them. I must say, sprint has not done a good job of explaining the issue to their customers, instead they all pretend like they are surprised you are having problems, and go through the standard "let me see if there are any towers down in your area". In the end, after several calls and complaints, I finally had someone explain it to me, and offer me a solution. I've felt short changed by Sprint through the Nextel transition (I kept that service to the point it became baiscally unusable), the 4g WiMax debacle (they promised me it was "coming soon" and encouraged me to switch to a 4g device so I was "ready" for a service that never came that I'm now stuck paying for, and now this mess where I can't even make a basic voice call...LOL what a mess. I'll stick with them for the time being because of the price, and because I honestly don't think the other options are all that great either. If Sprint doesn't get their act together, they are going to be toast. I'm sure they have lost MANY THOUSANDS of customers due to this issue, Chicago is not a market you want to screw up this badly in...

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