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Posts posted by 4GLTE-NOW

  1. If my estimation is right I'm guessing We might have LTE by April-May.


    Robert clarified that the iPhone 5 only supports band 25, anytime i drive around i toggle LTE on to see if i can connect but it never goes through i see many people posting screenshots of LTE on there phones. Is this because the iPhone 5 supports only band 25?


    Does anyone know of any signal type tool for the iPhone besides Field Test and Sensorly?

  2. I received a donation a few minutes ago with no screen name and the PayPal email address didn't match anyone on file. So I don't know who to upgrade.


    If that was you, respond to the email I sent to your PayPal email address.


    Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk 

    I sent you an Email hopefully you got it also i logged in to that email address and got a receipt from paypal 

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