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S4GRU Member
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  • Phones/Devices
    LG G2
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  • Location
    Denver, CO
  • Here for...
    4G Information
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charlieknoll's Achievements

Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. @peter_szilagyi Awesome demo! Is there a released version of puppeth that matches the one from the demo?

  2. @TuurDemeester https://t.co/C83O0VCodK

  3. @tunein The "Sign In" link isn't working on https://t.co/70PibElf5c

  4. @PeterLBrandt https://t.co/6DMLZ49ATb

  5. RT @gavinandresen: I'm disappointed Newsweek decided to dox the Nakamoto family, and regret talking to Leah.

  6. I usually force LTE on the way to work to see if I pick up any new signals, today for the first time I got LTE in 4 different zones on I25 from Downing south to Orchard. I can't wait for Denver to go live!
  7. It may be a bit premature but on CDMA only mode my phone connected quickly to 3G and I seem to be getting good download speeds again. Thanks!
  8. That makes sense on why the Golden and Idaho Springs 4GLTE sites no longer work, I will try switching to CDMA only mode to improve my 3G connectivity.
  9. Yes, I'm on 3G. I was happy with my 3G speed (it wasn't crazy fast but reliable) up until the LG G2 Spark firmware update. Now I get extremely slow if any data connection. I used to be able to get LTE in Golden and Idaho Springs but my phone doesn't find it anymore. A co worker who lives at 58th and Washington in Golden has the same issue. He had great LTE speeds and now gets nothing, his phone doesn't even ring. He's got a LG G2 as well.
  10. I agree, no question that the info is better here. I was hoping she could figure out why I get almost no data download speed even though I show 5 bars...
  11. Yes, it looks like they were referring to a ticket. Here is the chat transcript (and I have not seen an improvement in data connection speed here).
  12. Just FWIW, I was just on a chat with Sprint working on data connection issues and the rep said that at 4:30 MST some towers near I25 and Arapahoe would be completed.
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