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Posts posted by bshaw100

  1. Because this website has been so informative over the past few weeks, I registered to let you know that I was getting LTE on my iPhone 5 on Altgeld and Halsted in Lincoln Park. I've been getting it between the Addison and Wilson Redline stops the past week, but this is the first signal I've gotten in this area.


    Yesterday I also received first LTE signal in Lincoln Park to, about a mile west of there - Altgeld and Marshfield. Had it much of the day though gone by evening and have not picked it up this morning - but considering how bad Sprint coverage historically has been in LP, this is very encouraging.


    Edit: Speak and am proven wrong - just looked at S3 - getting LTE again at the moment.

  2. Was on the 26th floor of 150 S. Wacker in the Loop today between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. - could not get a voice signal very well but picked up 4g for the first time in the city (live in Lincoln Park, have S3 and work in Loop.) Was in a meeting so did not check speed in any detailed way - but it seemed way faster than 3g. Now, back in my office about 1/2 mile to northeast and there is no signal.

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