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Status Updates posted by PinkSparkleFace

  1. ?????? https://t.co/LTbI3QqL65

  2. A Year Without A President..... https://t.co/FQAaocrRyp @realDonaldTrump #donaldtrump #shameful #ImpeachTrump… https://t.co/aAxrqfAbFY

  3. Santa and his elf came by yesterday to bring presents to the pups! Boy were they excited! #dontshopadopt… https://t.co/d24Fz3RYju

  4. Dottie who 36 hours before this ran at the sight of everyone while trembling, now peacefully sleeping as I cuddle w… https://t.co/HhHsmvm1EU

  5. RT @CNNPolitics: Sen. Sanders says he will vote against the continuing resolution because "Republicans have been so busy trying to give hug…

  6. @KamalaHarris Welp now you've got one less fighter now for not even doing a tenth of what @realDonaldTrump aka Pres… https://t.co/lHIfJNpvd7

  7. RT @Comey: “I want the American people to know this truth: The FBI is honest. The FBI is strong. And the FBI is, and always will be, indepe…

  8. @realDonaldTrump Thank you Obama for building our economy xo! #comebackbarack

  9. https://t.co/5PavBjbRLg

  10. @CNN @CNNPolitics @cnnbrk anyone can make up a story to go with a picture especially those who are in need of… https://t.co/AxwZRbmY6N

  11. @CNNPolitics If the ethics committee can turn & blind eye to @realDonaldTrump who BRUTALLY RAPED and beat his ex-wi… https://t.co/VxvetBisS7

  12. Very interesting, please watch https://t.co/1sHzGZ1aAH

  13. https://t.co/67c6B2BhsF

  14. Forever in our hearts #thermielou https://t.co/MpDpEA5uIy

  15. WTF is wrong with him?! https://t.co/MpptLl3lpi

  16. <3 https://t.co/DBgRKDlP8e

  17. https://t.co/zZT7AHOniP

  18. My happy boy ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/ElZJgtUeT0

  19. She's just so beautiful I just don't even know what to do or say.... #adoptarescue… https://t.co/e1MKl7EY2u

  20. My soulmate. This little man has the other half of my heart, he's one of the best things to ever happen in my... https://t.co/Wt1m4ZgS8b

  21. My angel <3 https://t.co/1fVzk9YQqE

  22. Stand with Laura Thompson https://t.co/Ku8zgxPwWy

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