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Everything posted by motoridersd

  1. This Saturday felt very long! Looking forward to a not so hot Sunday. Good night!

  2. Work crisis fixed. That was pretty nerve-racking

  3. Tron Uprising? I did not know it existed. Downloading the first episode to check it out

  4. Don't you just love having to take an IKEA piece apart because some pieces are in the wrong place? Yeah, me too

  5. A TDI Passat must be a nice car to own. A TDI A6 would probably be better, if you like your electrical fires in style

  6. There's an IKEA trip in my future for today. Only have this weekend to finish some projects before the family visit

  7. Subie is here, time to head to go meet @brandiego and head to @MeanderingEats's for the SDFB Vietnamese-esque Potluck!

  8. I love NPR's first listen features, but I can never hear an album in its entirety at work. I'm always interrupted

  9. Omg! Those kids on TV have Skittlespox!! I wonder if @Branli has contracted it!

  10. It's Fleetwood Mac Friday! Or was it #FleetwoodMacThursday?

  11. Gooooood moooorning!! Happy Friday!! 100F today? Would be the first time it gets so hot in San Diego for me http://t.co/S5epKuzk

  12. I like how Jeep uses their Blind Spot Detection System in their ad to highlight that motorcycles can be invisible.

  13. Yahoo’s weather forecast is always wrong. It’s 10F off: 99F vs 88F from the local TV station #fail http://t.co/tkCJeWyE http://t.co/lb5US9sj

  14. All the work required to make last night’s slow cooker beef stew paid off. Had a very yummy lunch!

  15. Subie got complimented by the Discount Tire guy. He’s going to be in diva mode all day.

  16. Damn. This slow cooker stew recipe is way more complicated than I expected

  17. After our Pug Run in the backyard. That poor dog needs water! http://t.co/ofvHHGyl

  18. $100 for getting on the phone with Juniper and AT&T. It's a trap! http://t.co/avg1U4dv

  19. LTE Frequency Soup: Two iPhone 5 models to support different LTE bands around the world http://t.co/CZYTseth

  20. Why am I not getting images in Messages? #FAIL

  21. Mmm I love the smell of an overnight crock pot meal in the morning

  22. "You wanted me to pack while you were at work? Does it look like I care?" #PugAttitude http://t.co/JvKhHeD9

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