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Everything posted by Bulldog274

  1. I wish those Cottonwood Mall speeds could be just a little more widespread. I live a stone's throw from there in the Ventana Ranch/CNM area and I've been roaming 50-65% for the last week. I've been on 1x 85% of the time. I'm fairly certain that I'm using the Paradise tower and they HAVE to be upgrading it now...it's just whatever they're doing the tower doesn't like it because it's taking quite a while haha.
  2. Right you are sir. Mi madre works for the call center in RR and apparently they are just given a "quarterly market LTE expansion" document that really gives no more info. The Sprint store I mainly go to is the one on Southern and Golf Course. It has a repair center in it so I'm guessing it's a corporate store? At any rate generally they know what they're talking about.
  3. lol this is insane. Sprint customer service told me that FULL LTE was supposed to be fired on last night at 6 +/- a couple hours...I didn't believe that though. The stores in ABQ and RR tell me that it's going to done within the next 2 weeks. Now it might be until March. I really wish Sprint would keep these employees more informed on what's happening with the roll out. I can't even make calls where I live by CNM westide
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