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Posts posted by McDroidBurger


    Kind of hard to use that in a meeting when you are trying to text on the DL below the table.


    Thats what she said. Lol. Fair enough, but at the same time you shouldn't be texting lol.


    Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 via tapatalk

  2. Oh-- well I don't know of any phones that will show two different cellular signal bars as a built-in function. I mean-- it will show your wifi signal next to your cellular signal if you're on wifi of course, but I've never seen any stock device show a separate 4G and 3G signal bar. There used to be an app-- I think it was called Real Signal that would show 1x and Ev signal bars independently in the status bar-- and I'm sure somebody will make something similar for LTE, but I hate bars anyway-- I want a numeric signal strength. Bar mapping varies from carrier to carrier, manufacturer to manufacturer, model to model, ROM to ROM-- it's meaningless really-- it's all relative. For example, most Sprint handsets will show 5/6 or more bars at -79 dBm. On my MAXX, I only show all bars below -60 or so and when I get below -80 dBm, the bars can be 1 - 4 based upon Ec/Io ratio only.


    My EVO 4G will show 1X signal next to my 4G signal but not 3G to my knowledge.




    Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 via tapatalk



    I might give the iPhone 5 more thought if the rumor is true about the larger screen. My big sasquatch paws just don't work on a keyboard that fits on a 3.5 inch screen. Even the icons and links. Nothing wrong with people liking the iPhone, but when people act snobbish and think everything on the iPhone is superior to everything on an Android phone, I have a problem with that. The people that would stab their own mother for a launch day iPhone bother me too.


    And as far as Mac OS vs Windows, its a matter of betamax vs VHS. Mac OS may well be better than Windows, but there are about 7 programs that work on a Mac and not Windows and there are about 7 billion that work on a Windows computer and not Mac. Yes I know there are programs that you can run windows programs on a mac with a virtual OS but that is cumbersome and slow and why would I want to run a virtual machine?


    Lets not forget that Apple never would have existed if Bill Gates didn't let them use his software on the Apple II and Macintosh computers. I'm sure all of those Apple fan boys/girls know that while they are bashing Gates and Windows. I do not care if you like Apple over M$, but do not ever think you are better for it. We all saw the Jobs-less Apple once before and just wait for the vault to empty out before we see it again.


    Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 via tapatalk

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  4. Price is only good if you are in an area with good enough speeds to use the unlimited data. Otherwise the extra few dollers for superior service is worth it in my opinion. I am lucky to have great Sprint 3G coverage but would love to have a solid 4G. All in due time, I have managed this far on 3G only.


    Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 via tapatalk

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