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Everything posted by TylerDurden

  1. Hi Robert, I understand why some of the recent comments drove you to this point... however...does this mean the posts to report the inability to stay connected to the 'active' LTE network are considered whining? I agree they don't need to be dramatic, etc, but I think there may be some valid issues being reported by some of us 'new members'. It sounds like some of us Sprint fanboys in Houston have been hunting down LTE signals like mad, and when we find them and try to use them, we are instantly demoted to 3G. I'm greatful to read the possible explanation you provided that there may be a combination of weak signals and undesireable android logic at play. I would love for us all to work together to understand if that's actually happening, specifically in Houston. I'm a little concerned that my phone may be defective....but I'm not jumping to that conclusion yet. So I've personally been reporting my attempts to connect in hopes that others will confirm a similar experience or counter with a more positive one. I'd love for someone to report a good place in Houston to have a positive LTE experience so I can attempt to duplicate it.....just to figure out if I'm crazy or not (oops...hyperbole...oops...sarcasm ) But seriously. I love the site, and appreciate the info. Maybe the site could have FAQs on things like which apps are good for tower analysis so us newbies could be more productive and report facts that help others. And who knows, maybe there is a serious glitch underneath all the dramatics. I'm pretty sure I can connect to what appears to me to be a healthy LTE signal everytime I update my profile but then get demoted within a minute to 3G on the same tower. (This is where FAQs might help me confirm this experience with harder data.) I used to work for Sprint many years ago as a customer service software consultant...and I will say this: If my Houston LTE experience is typical and there were a significant number of customers anticipating that official LTE anouncement, well... I imagine there will be some unhappy execs running around Overland Park looking for answers. As Archon pointed out....this is more about botched communication than the challenges of new technology. The nerds are forgiving, and who knows how many Sprint customers really even understand what LTE even is, it's the fans you have to worry about. Again, not whining...just observing. And please let me know if I should refrain from posting any more of my 'less than successful' LTE experiences that are sticking to facts such as time, device, location, etc.
  2. I'm in EaDo Houston on Capital St... I had a brief 4G indicator when I was outside this morning. It was quickly gone before I could successfully use it.
  3. I think those of us who live in Houston have reason to be disappointed. According to this site, I'm surrounded by completed towers here in East Downtown Houston. Yes, my Evo LTE has the latest updates..got the most recent HTC update on the 14th. I think Spikerjack and jcthorne are on to something. Is anyone actually in Houston experiencing LTE? INSIDE the Beltway? Inside the Loop? Bueller?
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