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Posts posted by itlnstln

  1. I have my Evo 4G LTE in Network Mode in LTE/CDMA yet 4G doesn't automatically connect. If I switch to CDMA Only and then back to LTE/CDMA, it will connect to 4G. I have also been able to get 4G to connect by turning off the Mobile Network and then back on. Is this an issue with Sprint's network, my phone, or is that the way it is suppose to be?


    I posted about this earlier in the thread. It appears there might be a device setting that always picks the stronger signal even if the 4G signal is acceptable. I don't remember having these types of issues with my original Evo when WiMax was just being launched. I almost feel that if the device isn't next to an LTE blow-torch, it doesn't stay connected. The only time I was connected for any reasonable amount of time, I had full signal. If I even have as low as half, the device switches to 3G.

  2. Although we cannot rule out a device problem, I think for many people it is a signal strength issue. If you get a mediocre LTE signal, it is defaulting back to a stronger 3G. However, a weak LTE signal is better than a strong 3G signal in most cases. I think Sprint and the OEMs need to do some work on their transition thresholds.


    Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    That sounds like exactly what's happening. I'm going to peruse XDA a bit and see if there is any way to adjust the threshold. Thanks for your help!

  3. Market launches are scheduled around 40% site completion. Sprint will continue deploying more and more sites for better and better coverage every week until the market is 100% complete.


    Sprint launched early so at least the sites that are completed now can be used. No sense in letting them sit around until the whole market is done.


    Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    Makes sense. I'm just not sure if my inability to hold a 4G connection is a signal strength issue or a device issue at this point.

  4. I live in San Antonio, and I haven't seen much in the way of LTE at all. I had connection for about 5 minutes on the 13th at 1604 and 281 and for about 20 minutes yesterday at Bandera and 1604 but otherwise, nothing. I live and work downtown right in the middle of a bunch of towers, but I haven't had much luck. Hopefully, Sprint is still in the process of getting their towers online, and availability will improve over the next few days/weeks.


    EDIT: I checked out sprint.com/coverage, and supposedly, LTE availability shouldn't be a problem. Maybe they haven't flipped the switch on the tower in the area.

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