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  • Phones/Devices
    Galaxy Nexus
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    United States
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    4G Information

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Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. I posted about this earlier in the thread. It appears there might be a device setting that always picks the stronger signal even if the 4G signal is acceptable. I don't remember having these types of issues with my original Evo when WiMax was just being launched. I almost feel that if the device isn't next to an LTE blow-torch, it doesn't stay connected. The only time I was connected for any reasonable amount of time, I had full signal. If I even have as low as half, the device switches to 3G.
  2. That sounds like exactly what's happening. I'm going to peruse XDA a bit and see if there is any way to adjust the threshold. Thanks for your help!
  3. Makes sense. I'm just not sure if my inability to hold a 4G connection is a signal strength issue or a device issue at this point.
  4. Hmm... I did a profile and PRL update this morning and had LTE connectivity for about 10 seconds, then back to 3G. I might need to call Sprint. (Can you only edit your post once on this forum, or am I just dumb?)
  5. I live in San Antonio, and I haven't seen much in the way of LTE at all. I had connection for about 5 minutes on the 13th at 1604 and 281 and for about 20 minutes yesterday at Bandera and 1604 but otherwise, nothing. I live and work downtown right in the middle of a bunch of towers, but I haven't had much luck. Hopefully, Sprint is still in the process of getting their towers online, and availability will improve over the next few days/weeks. EDIT: I checked out sprint.com/coverage, and supposedly, LTE availability shouldn't be a problem. Maybe they haven't flipped the switch on the tower in the area.
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