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Posts posted by crd3818

  1. Mine will be fine and last all day at times. Others it drains incredibly fast. Lately I've been seeing more fast drains than not. I don't use the phone much. Light internet use, about ten texts a day average and I don't really talk on the phone at all. Also, it's been freezing a ton. There isn't anything unusual like apps using up the battery. Everything looks the same as before the update. It's pretty irritating more than anything else.

  2. I let it drain yesterday and charged it while it was off. It took about an hour and half which is still good but I barely used the phone today. So tomorrow if it goes fast again I will factory reset. I don't have Skype and I use Dragon swift key. Thanks for the info


    So this is what I'm experiencing now. I charge my phone and it lasts FOREVER on a full battery... When its not being used. However, once I start using it, even for small tasks, the battery drains very fast. Any ideas as to what could be draining the power? I've gone over everything I can think of as far as seeing what apps are running and whats been using the battery. Haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary... Hopefully this is all part of the phone getting used to the new software process and it will work itself out. Thanks in advance!

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  3. Yes I am experiencing that as well.  Have you looked at your battery status to see what applications are draining your battery?

    Yeah, Nothing is different or draining more than usual. This is horrible how fast it's draining now. I hope it's addressed soon.

  4. Is anybody experiencing fast battery drains with the update? Mine is draining about 15-20% on 15 minutes of light use. Before kk I might have gone through 2-3% at the most. All settings on my phone are the same as they were before the update. I installed it the normal way.

  5. Just got off the phone with Mary from Sprint. She said denver has over 27 tickets out right now upgrading the market for network vision. Each ticket has 4 or 5 zip codes. She tracked down one ticket for me: 80012 80026 80504 80123. she said that these zips are scheduled to  have Lte turned on on April 6 2014. It took so long to get this info out of her. I didn't ask for any other tickets.


    Nice. It falls within the month for sure and is an actual date. Hopefully this kind of confirmation continues from multiple sources that validates this time-frame!

  6. Soooo... I had to call customer service today after some lovely individual decided to steal my iPad. For grins, after filing the report, I asked if she had any further info regarding the LTE roll-out here. She asked me to hold for a moment while she looked it up. When she came back she read what she found; It said all towers throughout the metro area are scheduled to be 100% complete as of April 1st. She continued reading her notes which said there is a buffer of at most a month after the completion date for all cell sites to be brought online, fully transmitting LTE. It concluded by saying if at the end of April I did not see LTE then it is a device issue, as the network is scheduled to be fully operational by then.


    Obviously, we all know the info provided by customer care needs to be taken with a grain of salt. However, because she didn't immediately know the answer and had to look it up made this info seem a bit more legit. Maybe we can get a couple guys from here (Santa, jthawks, I'm looking at you guys) to call customer care tomorrow and see if they get similar answers?


    For the record, she was nothing but pleasant the whole time. Such an amazing job representing Sprint and setting an example of what excellent customer service should be!

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  7. Nothing changed. I am not a premier sponser, don't have access to the maps, but this I do have. Thornton, Loveland, Longmont and Fort Collins are broadcasting in places. Golden I70/ 6th avenue is broadcasting . I am seeing more forced Lte on the south side of town on different bands. I don't think everyone is going to get Lte at the same time, since Sprint is going to be broadcasting in 3 bands. Some phones will work with one band, others from all 3. From what I am seeing on forced Lte, we've got the entire Southwest part of town that needs upgrading, and I think it is, as I have seen workers at S Wadsworth and 470 and Bandimere.... (I am getting no 4glte service forced from Quebec and 470 to Hamden and 470)  Westminster and middle Lakewood need some love, and it looks to me that the entire old stapleton needs some love.   If it takes a couple of days to upgrade each tower, I think we are 30 days away, maybe 60. From what I have read on our thread, we are getting a lot of Sprint worker upgrade activity. We will know more tomorrow or Saturday as soon as Robert updates the site accepted thread.  I was raised and believe this: Hope for the best, but plan for the worst... I feel it's going to happen soon. Santa


    You're on the right track Santa. Why not just donate five bucks here to become a sponsor and have access to the maps? It's really nice being able to correlate what I see to the accepted sites Robert updates every day or two. After a while a pattern begins to emerge. We could team up and chase the activity with accepted sites around during this whole process. I can't think of a better way to annoy my girlfriend than to form a gang of us!



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  8. crd3818 how was your trip today? Did you get 4glte in your travels on the phone with no forced 4glte?


    Sorry bud, just got home a few minutes ago. Nope, nothing new at all. Picked up forced LTE in the usual places. How about you?


    On a side note, does your lady friend think you've dropped off of the deep end like the rest of us? Best wishes...


    Oh yeah, she wants LTE to happen more than I do sometimes :lol:

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  9. Santa is not as lucky as you. I am in littleton on 3G. What part of town are you in? Thanks!


    I'm in the Highlands neighborhood, around 38th and Sheridan. I'm going to be running errands today in Westy, Aurora, and Littleton. Hopefully I'll collect some good data to share. I'll have one of my G2's set to normal, the other forcing LTE, and if the rumors are true I'll see some band 25 on my iPad. My girlfriend is driving so I can collect data. It's an awesome scavenger hunt for any grown child!

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  10. I mapped out Bowles/Littleton Blvd from Sante fe to Lowell. Took a bunch of speed tests on sensorly. When you get a chance take a look at the speed test around Lowell Blvd and Bowles. Also getting stronger signals on South Wadsworth from Tufts to Bowles. Got some great speed tests there also. With the workers at the South wadsworth and 470 tower the past few days, the workers on C470 and hamden, then the bandemere crew (tower about a half mile north, it looks to me like the south west side of town is getting some serious love. Was at I70 and 6th avenue, and I picked up strong Lte in the whole area without having to force my phone. Wow!


    Dude, that's exciting! Did you have to force LTE on Bowels from Santa Fe to Lowell? I mapped out that exact area a few weeks ago, but had to force LTE. Then on Monday I wasn't getting LTE anywhere down there, forced or not. I was hoping that was a good sign of activity at the cell site! I work part time at the corner shopping center there and have been watching it closely during my shifts. If you got that without forcing anything, you will have just made my week!

  11. Remember that posting slow speeds tests for the sake of posting speed tests is against the rules.


    In this particular case, the sector you are connected to is likely overburdened. The legacy network was not built with the intention of handling the voice and mostly data traffic that it has to now.


    Jumping all over somebody for posting a slow speed test for the sake of posting a slow speed test should be reserved for people who are doing just that.


    It was obvious jthawks was simply asking a question. If you go back an look at his many other recent speed test posts showing good signals without him forcing LTE and couple that with his excitement, it's simple to see that's all his intentions were. How he had to defend himself afterward was unnecessary.

  12. If you live in a service black hole, there's not guaranty that you'll get good LTE service.


    How much data do you use at home though your wired connection? Mobile networks are not really built to be permanent ISPs for home connections. It puts unnecessary strain on the network, and will bring about the end of unlimited sooner than later. 

    Oh, for sure I know it's not a guarantee. I like to remain optimistic though cause I don't intend to sell my house anytime soon.


    I don't use much data through my home connection. E-mail, Facebook, and sometimes I stream music. I don't watch TV or download large files at all. Lately, I think most of my home data use has been used to loiter around here waiting for accepted site map updates. Most of my work is done offline.

  13. You guys are so inpatient, it's coming !!! If we wait a while already, what is two or three more months ?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    A couple reasons or me: First, I live in a Sprint reception black hole. Hopefully once the towers by my house go live I won't have to schedule business calls around whether or not I need to leave my house, as my Airave only functions to the end of my driveway. Second, I'm anticipating the data signal and speeds will be enough for me to fire my ISP and be able to function off a hot spot, saving me quite a bit of cash each month. Most importantly though is I've been with Sprint for ten years and it's going to be sweet seeing them finally move to the top of the food chain!


    All the recent activity has gotten us stirred up. I'm having a blast!

  14. Hey guys, I'd Love to get your thoughts in this: This screenshot is the signal I get at my house. the BSL address is a cricket store nearby. There is no visible tower there. Sometimes the provider on SignalCheck reads Sprint and others it reads Cricket. No matter what though, it always picks up eHPRD. Now I know the BSL address isn't always accurate, but it is when it reads cricket as the provider that confuses me. I'm between three in progress nv sites, all the same distance from me and pretty far from me as well. Just look at my signal strength. I'm going crazy hoping they go live soon!


    And because I know at least one person is wondering; Yes, I have an Airave. No, it wasn't plugged in when I took the screenshot (when plugged in the BSL reads my home address and I don't want Santa Claus showing up running signal checks! J/K dude). I love the Airave, but I run a business from my house and I can't leave or come home while on a call. That's why I'm going nuts about these towers coming online. Very hopeful with all the recent activity. Thanks all!


  15. If you think you are happy, check sensorly for speed tests tomorrow morning. I mapped my drive home from Hamden and wadsworth in Littleton to Parker and 225. I ran multiple sensorly speed tests: I got as high as 50 Mbps on my drive home. I had multiple Spark readings in the30's 40's and a few 50ish. Spark from Wadsworth to Sheridan. Small activity around Cinderella City. Then we crank things up at I25 and Hamden through Tamerac Square. It should all show up on Sensorly in the am. I'll post some shots on our site here for my new best friends in the morning!!! Santa

    It's definitely getting exciting around here! I saw you got 49.2 down between Wads and Sheridan around six this evening. Nice!

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