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Status Updates posted by JAndThatsIt

  1. I woke up saying "I ain't drinking _______ no more!"

  2. Is it rude to ask a female if her hair is hers (not purchased) when you first meet het?

  3. I am. Big things on the horizon. “@So80s_ItsCrazy «@iamdiddy Do something that hasn't already been done!!!!»”

  4. The sky just opened up and it started pouring something serious by my apartment.

  5. The sting of the switch or the pat on the head?

  6. Today is starting to feel like a half-day for work.

  7. I Agree!!! “@SpikeGee614 !!!! "@PrettyBrwnNay: A thirsty chick RT @JclubLovinLife: I dunno what's worse a thirsty dude or a thirsty chick."”

  8. If I get caught at every light, is that God saying slow down?

  9. The awkward moment when your in a meeting and you have know idea what your coworkers are talking about.

  10. Just as an #FYI, your #detestable if you wipe a booger on the wall.

  11. That last #keyandpeele #Obama shit would have been better if he used his left hand. Still funny though.

  12. How does a cd that hasn't been out of the cd changer get scratches and skip?

  13. Why do men keep trying to pick me up?

  14. Have you ever wanted to see someone's smile so badly that It's all you can think about when you haven't seen them?

  15. Quickly realizing that people will do what you let them get away with and I'm done letting people get away with it. #TryMe!

  16. And on that note, goodnight.

  17. I wish I had,a telescope. Venus and Jupiter are shining bright tonight.

  18. Hitting this gym up. I'm trying to live.


    http://t.co/MvKsOAGS The things you see in the Doctor's office, lol.

  20. I remember a year ago if I ran up the steps I would get to the top and be more than winded. Now, I don't even breathe hard. #GettingInShape.

  21. How do you let your work get this backed up? #Captain-save-a-job to the rescue.

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