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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @chrisgiddens: RT @chrislhayes I interviewed the key witness to the Michael Brown shooting last night. The police haven't. #Ferguson

  2. I think Apple is increasingly in the position where they have to play ball with Sprint and other carriers, even if that means "boutique" bands; they're no longer in a position where everyone who wants a smart device will drop what they're doing and stand in line at the Apple Store for an iPhone 7, much less will they switch carriers for one, which means carrier marketing is increasingly important. If Sprint wanted to bury non-Spark iDevices at the back of the store or online in favor of pushing Galaxy devices and HTC and LG, they probably could now and not lose a lot of customers. They'll eventually sell whatever they guaranteed Apple a few years back either way (in iPads if nothing else).
  3. Lunch! (@ J.L.'s Open Pit BBQ in Macon, GA) https://t.co/JIaGFy9v4F

  4. RT @AnnaKendrick47: O Captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells. Rise up, for you the flag is flung, for you the bugle trills.

  5. RT @dmataconis: Johnny Manziel Forced To Wear Cleveland Browns Jersey In Cruel Rookie Hazing Incident http://t.co/g5AETERB0I

  6. RT @DrJJoyner: Why Debating Districts Misses The Larger Point http://t.co/DEN37EzSBS

  7. RT @evgenymorozov: If journalism is the rough draft of history, then listicles must be the first rough draft of a TED Talk about history.

  8. RT @TheEconomist: Those with regional accents in America are often mocked. Southern accents elicit particularly harsh reactions http://t.co…

  9. RT @BryanDFischer: Somewhere in a BarcaLounger, Tiger is yelling at photographers using flash out of habit.

  10. RT @TheRebelAS: Yeah, FSU didn't quite think #AskJameis all the way through...

  11. RT @colbycosh: Guys, I think it’s time we Albertans shared the truth with Ontario. It’s gonna get ugly but we can’t hide forever. http://t.…

  12. .@mattyglesias honoring Clinton's brave defense of Oxford University from the Viet Cong?

  13. RT @RikerGoogling: holodeck hard reset

  14. RT @TheSocReview: Is someone you care about getting involved with post-structuralism? http://t.co/Qct0CzbJUs

  15. RT @TrekFactory: #JensVoigtFacts RT @sambo13: @TrekFactory @thejensie Jens only attacks on days that end with "Y".

  16. RT @robertcaruso: Reports United Kingdom to provide aerial refueling capability. Most will come from RAF Mildenhall and Fairford. http://t.…

  17. Convocating (@ Middle Georgia State College Gym - @knightsrec in Macon, GA) https://t.co/0mRViCCrlI

  18. RT @AmandaNCastro: #BREAKING: The GBI is investigating a deputy involved shooting in #Macon. Authorities fired shots at alleged burglary su…

  19. RT @FauxPelini: "POWER 5" CONFERENCE AUTONOMY PROPOSALS http://t.co/ZmmQ3pbyAz

  20. RT @edsbs: how is that even possible for a wrestler RT @sundownmotel: Alberto Del Rio fired by WWE for 'unprofessional conduct' http://t.co…

  21. RT @bioware: We thank @CaseyDHudson for his many contributions to BioWare & our fans. We wish him the best on his next adventure! http://t.…

  22. RT @rklipman: Punishing diaspora Jews for Israel's military overstepping reinforces the idea that Jews have no other potential safe haven -…

  23. RT @TrudeauGoogles: does charest's hair poll better than mine

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