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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @KariByron: This is why I do it. @MythBusters Note passed to me in the airport. http://t.co/PlJSYQuuVZ

  2. RT @ryanjreilly: Former #ferguson residents who said the the cops here were "really fucked up" and targeted blacks http://t.co/nhLycDz6nS

  3. RT @lachlan: "Much of what [snowden] intentionally took involved operational information unrelated to civil liberties." http://t.co/1DXb4W7…

  4. RT @AndrewSshi: Random realization: nearly everything I know about UK low-income housing comes from Cracker and Prime Suspect.

  5. RT @walterolson: Train for your bright future in federal employment as a FOIA Denial Officer [@kmanguward] http://t.co/NojogJCepF

  6. RT @joy: I look forward to watching NFL head coaches frowning at a tablet. Exactly the drama we needed in the game.

  7. RT @reason: To avoid more #fergusons #MichaelBrown shootings, make cops wear cameras http://t.co/kJ1hOUjUQT

  8. Breathtaking show of luddism at @arstechnica takes until page 3 to show Verizon actually has a point. http://t.co/4wH0pe43wB

  9. RT @jkirchick: Best part of this rollicking @SamHarrisOrg v @sullydish debate is correct labeling of @rezaaslan a "devious blowhard" http:/…

  10. RT @iowahawkblog: A sitting US rep today asked the Prez to declare martial law. Another criticized police militarization. Guess which one w…

  11. RT @ReasonRail: Amtrak is talking with Memphis and Tennessee about adding another Chicago-Memphis train http://t.co/3v3vrehGJz

  12. RT @GregoryMcNeal: Right now @radleybalko should be saying "told you so, nah nah nah!" http://t.co/D4gZE0sRNj but he's too cool for that ht…

  13. Cellular One was always a "brand" that the various A side* wireless operators used rather than a single company. For example, when I lived in Oxford MS I had "Cellular One" service from a company called Rural Cellular Corporation (until they had an outage at their core and I switched to Sprint in disgust); eventually they stopped bothering licensing the Cellular One name and renamed their service Unicel but kept using the same font. An incomplete version of the sordid history of Cellular One is here at Wikipedia. * The original cellular A block was reserved for non-incumbent wireline operators, while cellular B was designated for the incumbent wireline operator (usually a Bell System company, i.e. the precursors to today's Verizon and AT&T wireless divisions).
  14. Almost no education research is replicated, new article shows https://t.co/oVOvGHokOu @insidehighered

  15. RT @LucyStag: Maddow rerun making me regret my earlier praise of MSNBC a little.

  16. RT @redsteeze: Pretend for a moment if you will.. A Republican President partying at an expensive Martha's Vineyard restaurant while this i…

  17. RT @FauxPelini: In honor of tomorrow's launch of the SEC Network http://t.co/al2SgZLEZJ

  18. RT @stinson: WIRED's "Snowden hugging the flag like Linus from Peanuts" cover photo gets points for maximum cringeworthiness. http://t.co/d…

  19. According to http://specmap.sequence-omega.net/, Sprint has the PCS B block. Apparently they subleased it (or at least some of it) to AT&T before, but that sublease has expired.
  20. An interesting development out of the impending Cellular One (MTPCS) shutdown in MT and WY: FierceWireless adds: So that looks positive for some Sprint NV buildout in those two states in the not-too-distant future. Based on these maps it looks like the towers are mostly on I-15, I-90, and I-94 in Montana, with just a small dip into Wyoming. It looks like MTPCS will be concentrating in the future on the Gulf Coast-area markets where it has 700 spectrum as part of Verizon's LTEiRA program. (Oops, sorry I didn't see this thread was already in the NV forum. My bad.)
  21. RT @joy: Attention fellas: Keep the sides of your hair short. You don't have to go high and tight but, really, unkempt side hair does not w…

  22. Can u c Falklands War from there? RT @astro_reid Beautiful sunrise highlights Peninsula Valdes and most of #Argentina http://t.co/EUnxkZR5qu

  23. If I didn't know better, I'd say #Ferguson was viral marketing for the upcoming paperback release of @radleybalko's book.

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