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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @OrenKessler: Hamas killed another 7 Gazans whom it calls collaborators, for a daily total of 18 http://t.co/535xinSyxn Shot them in pub…

  2. I have to say I've never experienced anything good on EDGE or GPRS with T-Mobile, but I've not traveled as widely as Robert with T-Mobile (mostly in the southeast). Certainly I've found that even roaming 1X with Verizon or ex-Alltel around here delivers a better experience. All that said there are places where Sprint is lagging T-Mobile and, as pointed out elsewhere, Sprint is going to lose significant EVDO roaming in the southeast when AT&T inevitably switches off CDMA next year in its former Alltel markets (they'd rather lose roaming revenue than help Sprint make its maps prettier) and maybe the equation will change a bit if Sprint doesn't take advantage of ex-Nextel sites and accelerate 800 deployment on GMOs to improve rural coverage. Waiting around for SouthernLINC to come through in 2017 isn't going to cut it.
  3. No. Technically the stadium is in the unincorporated part of Lafayette County, which is dry; even if SEC rules allowed alcohol sales, the university couldn't sell alcohol without a change in state law or annexation by the city of Oxford (the latter is unlikely because the city doesn't want several thousand potential additional voters who could influence a city council election). In practice... hard liquor is substantially easier to find in the stadium than a Mississippi State fan who is only "ringing responsibly" during the Egg Bowl. But the school only makes money off the soda mixer. Plus if there's a population of people who will shell out $5 for internet access, it's in the Vaught. The only poor people in the stadium are the players...
  4. I'm pretty sure they don't kick people off old plans. I have a friend with a feature phone who I think has been on the same $35/month plan (old enough that I think it doesn't even include roaming!) for over a decade, and he upgraded on contract last year. Anyway, this may be the plan I finally need to move off my Everything Data Share 1500 and save money... assuming I can find a cheap plan on a feature phone for my other line of service.
  5. RT @robertcaruso: As I told @GuardianUS failure of raid not #Snowden's fault http://t.co/c8tYTZWx0o failure to acknowledge ISIL posture htt…

  6. If I had to guess it's one of those things that doesn't kick in for customers until your next billing cycle starts, to simplify the programming logic.
  7. RT @stinson: Shocking how some progressives have attacked libertarians during Ferguson, but a MMFA blogger calling @radleybalko hysterical …

  8. RT @dandrezner: My mother to me, just now: "I have to tell you, Dan, I've read Fifty Shades of Grey..." #gonnabealongvacation

  9. RT @emptywheel: Crazy idea @radleybalko had: going just a few towns over from press-packed Ferguson to report on same underlying conditions…

  10. RT @joy: Guess which part I'll be removing with scissors. http://t.co/dRVV4xdTie

  11. I only stuck it out with Sprint in Blacksburg because I had two lines on my plan (one not in Blacksburg) and wasn't expecting to be there more than a year or so. I'd have probably bailed too (although probably not for nTelos - why reward them for failing to live up to their agreement with Sprint?).
  12. Thought this might be of interest to some folks: http://www.olemisssports.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/082014aaa.html Maybe C Spire will throw a bone to the customers of its RRPP partner Sprint too, and let us on their WiFi network free. Alas, I haven't been back in Oxford since the nearby tower went 4G live to see if Sprint's LTE network holds up in the stadium on gamedays. Sprint CDMA was always a complete disaster on Saturdays in the Grove and in the stadium too.
  13. Too busy running explainer sites? MT @voxdotcom Good news: teen birth rate is way down. Bad news: no one knows why http://t.co/Zmxc57KdYl

  14. RT @Dick_Florida: I got my undergraduate degree from Williams College. This means I'm trained to compare and criticize how some people cons…

  15. RT @daniecal: Im speechless at how brazen this is. They aren't even trying to be subtle about imprisoning ppl for revenue http://t.co/fooI…

  16. RT @theRealKurumi: It’s taken 3 years, but at last all casual restaurant menu bacon is applewood-smoked

  17. RT @radleybalko: "I deplore this use of militarized government force! It should be used against my political enemies, instead!" http://t.co…

  18. RT @philgibson01: Meanwhile outside the Ecuadorean embassy, police prepare an Assange trap ready for in case he emerges. http://t.co/qQy11r…

  19. RT @Popehat: I'm going to give $100 so I don't have to dump ice water on myself. Can I give another $100 for everyone to shut the fuck up …

  20. RT @WilHMoo: Race, Voting, and Representation: Ferguson Is a Serious Outlierby @smotus http://t.co/ANGzyVeJDw

  21. RT @jonkarl: CAMERAS ONLY. The WH is not allowing pool reporters into the today's photo ops at the WH. Ensures the President will get no qu…

  22. RT @stinson: In Iraq, in Myanmar, in much of Africa, even in the Scottish referendum we see a rejection of the multicultural liberal state.

  23. RT @nytimes: Autopsy shows Michael Brown was shot at least six times, including twice in the head http://t.co/FxzRSTmu4h http://t.co/IPGV7T…

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