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    iPhone 5
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Member Level: Analog (3/12)



  1. I guess I should have specified I donated to the site, and not everyone specifically. But if you'd like, I do have 30 cents burning a hole in my pocket.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Ahhhh, the tease. I meant to post this last Thursday but you know, life and stuff. I was walking my dog along the highline canal by Mississippi Ave and Leetsdale (along Fremont Cemetery) when it happened. On my single band iPhone 5 the LTE logo appeared, just a few hundred yards from my house. But then, before I had a chance to run a pointless speedtest or download season 2 of Girls, it was gone. Poof. And it hasn't been back since. I know it's coming soon and it will be glorious, but that tease is making the wait that much harder. FYI, I finally decided to stop being a freeloader and just paypal'd some scratch as a thank you for the great time I've had participating on this board. Thank you everyone for your great contributions and consistently positive dialogue. This has been one of the best boards I've been on in my 50* some years on the internet. *approximately, I'm bad with numbers and dates.
  3. According to this site www.cellularinsider.com/lirpa0114/jk Sprint has announced the decision to move Denver's launch to 2015 siting "Denver already has too many things going for it. When you considering the high standard of living, great geography and multiple professional sport franchises, we here at Sprint don't currently feel the Denver market wouldn't appreciate our Network enhancements nearly enough." The Spokesperson goes on to say "Growing up in Cleveland and Kansas City, I felt it would be irresponsible for Sprint to launch LTE in Denver despite the majority of our sites being near completion."
  4. My guess is that by the end of April the metro area will be near 50-60% complete which might appear to the average user as complete. Meaning that LTE will be relatively common in most suburban areas, a little patchy in places, etc. Then by the end of June, 95% of the upgraded sites will be online and functioning as expected. (This assumes that at any time at least 5% of sites require some kind of maintenance.) That's just my guess based on watching the project so far but I could be waaaaay off. I literally have zero expertise in this area.
  5. I interrupt this productive and helpful thread to mention my phone has only displayed "Extended" since yesterday in and around Glendale and along Leetsdale. Is it sad that I now view things like that as positive signs?
  6. What's that old saying, a watched site never gets accepted? Personally I think I constitute over 80% of Sensorly's traffic each day. Thank you OCD.
  7. I'm getting blazing 3G speeds this morning as well, down the Leetsdale corridor and into Glendale. Hopefully that's a sign that some back-haul is in place. Whoot whoot!
  8. Thou shall knock on wood, or thou must wait an additional fortnight before enjoying the graces of NV and LTE.
  9. Dear Sprint, As you know, Opening Day for the Rockies is fast approaching and you're probably just as excited as I am. I was thinking it would be a great omen for the new season if you were to make the majority of the Denver Sensorly map purple with LTE coverage by opening day. I know I asked you for something similar with the Superbowl and while I'm not blaming you specifically for that loss, I'm also not, not blaming you either. Please make this happen so we can win the NL pennant this year. Yours Truly, J_GAG
  10. Good point, that was very poor choice of words on my part . My apologies.
  11. 3G speeds near my house on Leetsdale + Monaco jumped this morning from an average around .1-.2 mbps to .6-.8 mbps. During the the test it was throttling near 1mbps. Noticeable improvement in webpage loading, etc. I'll assume this improvement is due to sun spots until further testing is done.
  12. I got a buddy that does this although he said he rarely gets Sprint contracts. He works mostly in remote areas and likes to take photos of the view when he climbs. Just seeing them on FB makes me dizzy. I don't have a fear of heights, but I do apparently have a fear of very tall skinny poles.
  13. Its true. Most data packets refuse to go outside when it's this cold, although some of them will sit outside the door smoking regardless of temperature.
  14. Although it's probably more related to the snow or sun spots or whatnot, but for the first time I'm able to get 3g at my desk today (-91 db on my iphone5) . I work in the Galleria bldg on Colorado blvd (the gold building next to Shotguns that blinds everyone). I never get more than 1x at my desk as long as I can remember.
  15. I'm predicting that by the time the Broncos make their first pick int he 2014 draft, I will have LTE here at the office in Glendale. Matter of fact, by opening day at Coors I bet LTE becomes a common occurrence in downtown. Who wants in on this action?
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