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Posts posted by AcctDeleted_Merlin

  1. tesy3abe.jpgattachicon.gifuploadfromtaptalk1393090989750.jpg this is from band 25 off tower on 104th and close to chambers. This is sad:(


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    That ping + that speed = Fiber 3G while picking up LTE. Sometimes the phones don't report the correct data type. I have played with that tower personally, it is fine. What you see happening here is the site switching you over to the 3G signal because of signal noise/clarity. These sites will switch over to 3G when they deem a steady clear 3G will suffice, if you started pulling more bandwidth it would probably bump back up to the 4G, but it may not be as stable as the CDMA-3G.

  2. I bet that's a scary thought for you and all of the Sprint engineers and workers... Thanks


    These antennas are extremely directional and do not deviate from their path. A 1-2 degree misalignment can easily end up missing an entire neighborhood. Once a cluster goes live we send out several trucks to the area to map out the signal strength so it won't be Swiss cheese, but it certainly wont be optimized.



    Merlin, am I to summize "this puts full stable completion of the phase 1 nv at the endish of 2014" means we probably won't see 4GLte started here until the end of the year? Or are you saying that after it's started, it probably will have holes in coverage, and these probably won't be fixed on all sites until the end of the year? Merci Beucoup!


    The latter.

    The holes will not be terribly frequent, but we wont know they exist until the legacy network is completely shut down.

    • Like 1
  4. Not true on that front. 


    Verizon 20x20 mhz FDD-LTE markets have speeds up to 100 mbps dl as well and can probably reach more but they aren't provisioned higher. 


    In terms of max theoretical speeds 20x20 FDD-LTE >= 20+20 TDD-LTE > 15x15 mhz FDD-LTE > 20 mhz TDD = 10x10 mhz FDD-LTE > 5 mhz FDD-LTE > 3 mhz FDD-LTE.


    Sprint is only deploying, at this moment, one 20 mhz TDD-LTE carrier capable of max theoretical speeds of 90/25 but in real world is closer to ~70/20. Currently Tmobile and Verizon are the ones who can deploy greater than 10x10 FDD-LTE carriers with Sprint having the capability to match 10x10 with 20 mhz TDD carriers. ATT is the only stuck in a precarious situation with not enough contiguous spectrum to deploy greater than 10x10 so they will be at the bottom in terms of speeds once all 4 carriers are built out. 

    ATT/Verizon/Tmo have all maxed out their switch/network capacity by retrofitting their networks. They will not be able to sustain any more increase in bandwidth. This is the joy of the Network Vision project. That fancy new backbone they put in is specifically designed to maintain the unlimited plans for the foreseeable future, it does not matter to sprint how much you use, you wont be able to ever stress it for 10-15 years.

    • Like 1
  5. Notice no one has answered you. So I'll try. If we get Spark, and all signs on this site lead to that, I here that our competitors are getting 10 to 20 Mbps download speads. With Spark, in the early stages, we should get minimum  10 but up to 50 Mbps download. We are going to kick aaaaaa, until the Denver clientelle, wants to jump back on the wagon. We have lost thousands of Sprint clients in the last few months because of lack of 4g lte. All of us should have blazing speeds, as Robert wrote in this thead, yesterday or the day before. I am now open for rebuttle and my lack of knowledge...... Santa

    Coverage is going to be a slightly more interesting question. As all these new antenna's have gone up the crews have not really been held accountable for their lackluster work. Some antennas are pointed incorrectly and this will cause gaps. As we begin to do the permanent maintenance hand-off from Samsung to Ericsson the Ericsson techs are going to be ripping them apart and making sure everything is correct. This takes about 2-3 hours per site, per tech. Look for roughly 6-10 sites to be walked through per day once they get rolling (in about 4-5 months). This puts full stable completion of the phase 1 NV at the end-ish of 2014.



  6. Ive heard from Sprint Employees that Sprint is rebuilding there network from the ground up while other carriers are just upgrading there towers with LTE is there any truth to this? Or is this just some BS excuse to buy Sprint some time and convince customers to stay?




    No it's completely true. Every piece of equipment is being replaced. 



    Beat me to it. Every.Single.Piece. With the exception if GMO sites which only get partial


    GMO sites for now. The eventual plan is to convert them as well.


    In my opinion most of the real value in network vision is the behind the scenes stuff; not the stuff that gets the attention like new towers, LTE, etc. It's laying the groundwork for future technologies that interests me. There are all sorts of crazy technologies in the works now that aren't available now, and Sprint should be well positioned to take advantage of them pretty soon.


  7. I went to limon Colorado last night and had no service at all my friend told me that Verizon blocks the signal is that true?? is limon ever going to get service with sprint or not?



    Verizon blocks signal? No. Not even.... that's illegal. It's not happening. How people come up with these things... I don't know.


    That said, Sprint does not have native service in Limon. The stretch of I-70 between Salina, KS and the east side of Denver, CO has no native Sprint service. However, devices should roam on NexTech wireless in these areas. 

    Unconfirmed, but I have heard that there are several long range verizon sites along I-70 and that for a long time Verizon has paid extra to the tower owners to maintain exclusive rights. Seeing as those towers need to be other forms of radio communication for them to be viable financially, it could be true. 


    It could also be that there are about 47 people total that live out there and all the other carriers are okay with Verizon dominating the rural market.

  8. attachicon.gifuploadfromtaptalk1392484885979.jpg so I'm mostly in the basement and this is my signal and ehrpd signal. So this tower I'm connected too is on 92ish and federal while my house is off Zuni and like 100th st. There is a chest l clearwire tower closer on 103 and federal but I don't ever really connect to that one. So with that current signal strength will I be able to get lte once it's live? I know this tower isn't 3g accepted so things might change right? I'm just curious if I will get lte at home. Also when I'm out side the signal from this tower is weaker. Thanks


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


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  9. No one is saying that. 

    I might say that, I might not. But it wouldn't be wrong.


    Hey Lurking, Waiting, I went by a set of towers at Bandimere in Littleton yesterday. There were 2 techs just getting ready to hoist themselves to the the towers. Was that you??? Everytime I see someone working on a cell tower, I think of you! Santa....

    No, climbing towers is not in my job description, nor any ericsson, sprint, or samsung tech. We leave the climbing to the plebs. Their training is basically "don't die, don't hurt yourself, bolt goes here, cable goes here" 

    • Like 2
  10. Where's Merlin ????? :)



    Even if the plan was for this weekend I wouldn't say anything, especially with people like the one below that don't know what they're talking about.


    In his defense, Sprint has been leading people on for years. It's like a bad relationship.


    EDIT: That was a little harsh, but I stand by it. Sprint never intentionally misinformed anyone, they got a bit hosed by Samsung, your local telephone provider, and funding issues. The network challenge of bringing up even one cluster in Denver is greater than lighting up all of the springs and if not handled correctly WILL take down both the legacy and NV network for most of the state. Every site in a cluster has to be 100% ready of it will make for a very long night and hellish morning. 

    • Like 5
  11. Someone somewhere is feeding you incorrect information.


    Sprint is deploying ONE 1x carrier in the SMR band, and ONE LTE carrier in the SMR band. They do not have enough spectrum for anything else.


    And all this talk about 5G... Someone is really blowing smoke.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Like I said, I'm not entirely sure how, but the source is solid. Several years away minimum, but the goal is to have all the other carriers chasing them into 5g and the network is built for that. Everyone else is running their LTE on retrofitted networks while NV is built to withstand the 5G and beyond systems. I realize this is mostly on the switch side, but it is the backbone of where everything is going.   

    • Like 1
  12. You mean that sliver of spectrum that can only fit a single 1xA and 5 mhz lte carrier?


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    It's the same spectrum as the 800LTE. The only reason you wont get the full LTE indoors is due to signal strength and noise. Remember, LTE is the new 1x, it will be here for a long time and they will build upon it as we move to 5g. Just because the theoretical max is 150kbps (per channel) doesn't mean you can't have more than one channel active. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but it's significant and already being tested.

  13. 1x800 is just that, 1x. It will be great for voice, but it won't do anything for data.


    It won't carry EVDO, so any data pass through you get will be limited to 150Kbps or so (I forget what the theoretical max is).



    Do you really think they are going to leave that chunk of spectrum to voice alone? There is more to this story than anyone is allowed to tell, but it will take quite some time. 

  14. Did someone leave their sarcasm detector off today? :)

    It is that bad. That garbage is bad enough to keep far too many tech's busy, which keeps us from fixing real problems.


    Oh believe me, I fully understand the benefits of 1x800 (which almost all current devices will be able to use!).


    Not sure how that correlates to 2-3Mbps of data... 800LTE will not have the same coverage as 1x800.


    Why would 800 LTE be so far down the line for Denver? We already have some info on the scheduling for Colorado (Premier forums), and it looks to be progressing fairly nicely. If 800 LTE carrier cards are already out there, what would prevent them from turning them on shortly after getting 1900 LTE running? 

    Based on the rollout I have seen after all the clusters are online (soon) it follows a few months later. But there are only so many samsung techs and a ton of Denver sites. Late summer maybe? I haven't payed attention to the rollout schedules on this site.


    800LTE will not have the  penetrating power of 1x800, however, 1x800 is going to carry the old 3g signal with surprising power.

    • Like 1
  15. Gotta love the 2009-2010 Huawei gear :)



    No. I will not love it. It is a monumental pain in the ass that prevents Sprint from beating up on Verizon for overall network quality. Without that garbage Sprint would be crushing right now.


    Unless you have an iPhone 5s/c you do. For 800 LTE.

    I guess, true. 

    But the 800LTE is going to be quite a while down the road for Denver and will be spotty as it comes online. 1x800 on the new equipment is going to be a game changer. Let me know when you get crystal clear calls inside elevators in the basement. Then you'll know what I mean, anywhere you can get that call you can also get about 2-3Mbps data...


    Everyone know that one friend with a basement or room that is dead to the world, once this is done you can proudly show off your data speeds while they can't even send a text. 

  16. few months? i liked your thirty days statement better. Probably getting 41 from the tower on 160th and huron. I dont think the on on 160th was a clearwire site. I know the one on 144th and i25 is. Clearwire sites only do band 41 right now right? Also will clearwire sites only do band 41 and if so that means non tri band phones wont get lte unless there is a non clearwire tower somewhere else?

    - Most will be coming within a month, almost all within the next few months.

    - I don't dabble in CW, can't stand it. It is by far our most difficult equipment to work with and troubleshoot.


    - Clearwire sites will always only do 2500 (band 41, but I hate calling it that because we never use that internally). Future netvision sites may be upgraded to 2500 as well but will require new antennas and RRH units. (again, this may be the 5g option)


    - You need a tri-band to get 2500LTE, but you do not need tri-band to get the 800LTE and 1900LTE that is about to go active.



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