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jd mcneugent

S4GRU Member
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  • Phones/Devices
    galaxy 4
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    In progress
  • Here for...
    4G Information

jd mcneugent's Achievements

Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. I'm on one of the few towers left in town considered in progress. I called several weeks ago to inquire when it would be ready, and the rep said that it was already LTE capable but the signal was "operating at 80% efficiency", so it wasn't putting out LTE signal. Apparently tickets were created and pinpoints were made and long story short, I've been dealing with a runaround for three weeks. I was supposed to get a call from engineers (I didn't request this) that never happened, and the "technical support" lady gave me a 'direct' number that didn't even go to the same department I'm currently enjoying some of the slowest 3g speeds that I've ever gotten (last test was a 460ms ping, and a d/l of 0.13 mbps). Getting pretty discouraged with all of this, and not super pleased with customer service to boot. Is what they said about this tower just a line, or does it have any truth to it? I'd really like to know before I give up and go to Verizon this week.
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