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    iPhone 5
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    Draper, Utah
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benjammin2184's Achievements

Member Level: Morse Code

Member Level: Morse Code (2/12)



  1. Normally at my work at 3500 S 2700 W I've been getting 4 bars of 3G and intermittent 1 bar of LTE over the last few months, well today I have 3 bars of LTE though the speed is still basically unusable at 0.29 down and .5 up.
  2. Two days ago in Draper along 123rd S I got speeds around 22 down, hope that's a sign of things to come.
  3. Does anybody have a general idea of the time frame for the Wasatch Front getting upgraded? I know there's a couple of spots that have it but it's getting awfully frustrating not seeing any progress. Are we looking at another 6 months to a year? Are they going to be turned on 1 at a time or will there be a mass switch over all at once?
  4. possibly. The signal I had was very weak and would fade in and out throughout the day. I work at the police dept right there and in my office the signal was very weak. It would fluctuate between full bars of 3G and 1 bar of LTE. It probably helped that I was above the street slightly.
  5. Here's the screen shot I got earlier, across the street west of Valley Fair Mall:
  6. So what does it mean that in West Valley I'm getting a -118? Am I just getting a faint signal from the 2100 S tower?
  7. I only have 1 bar and the speed isn't any faster than 3G at the moment but its promising.
  8. can't post a screen shot at the moment, but Physical Cell ID: 86 and Cell Identity: 182460930
  9. Sorry, I'm pretty new to all of this, I'm in the "Field Test" menu, what screen do you need to see?
  10. I have a faint LTE signal in West Valley at 3500 S 2700 W. Seems intermittent at the moment though.
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