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Posts posted by duddys31

  1. So will the lg g2 be next for the update for WiFi calling. I sure hope so as new of a device it was when they started it I would of thought that we would of done got it. Has anyone heard if the knock code would be coming soon also I hope.

  2. Does anyone know if it's possible to say have a roaming let agreement with like bluegrass cellular even tho they are in Verizon's let program. I know they couldn't let sprint roam on the spectrum they are using of Verizon's but they have their own low band b12 let also that was deployed for broadband. I wish this would happen because traveling to eastern ky is pretty bad on 1x. Maybe once sprint gets 1x800 and b26 deployed maybe will help a little bit. There's just not many towers at all in that region but bluegrass has it covered all over the state pretty good.

  3. I forgot to post about it the other day but I picked up b26 from that site going down i65 south the other day for a brief moment. I am pretty sure that they are bringing it up 65 from Nashville going north. I been working down in Tennessee for the past week and when a site was coming live that I've experienced the 3g was unusable for a few days while I was there. I had full bars of signal and couldn't even complete a phone call. So I think that's the reason why you might be having trouble right now.

  4. So is there a way if you have stock kitkat to root and get back lte only mode without reverting back to 4.3? And can someone tell me if we can change prl with stock kitkat I've read all kinds of stuff on xda but Idk.

    LG G3

    I will to if its gonna be unlockable for domestic use and hopefully have a little bit better radios in itas far as rf pperformance. And I hope the hidden menu and stuff like that comes back to. Wonder if this phone will have b12 for roaming or have any additional lte band support?

  5. Just my opinion but seems that they should of known that the one 1900mhz lte carrier wasn't going to take long to get overburdened even in small towns. And another thing I see is that when Dan and son promote the spark network they talk about speeds of 150 and 200 mbs.


    If they are going to be throttling people with those kinds of speeds and saying you can watch videos and movies people will not be liking that very much when you advertise that unlimited data and no throttling besides the fine print I'm afraid subscribers will just turn around with these other company's paying etf's and leave.


    I think that sprint needs to offer something because of lacking coverage and speeds in a lot of places at the moment. I don't have a problem with it as long as it's only implemented on sites overburdened. If anybody watches movies or anything they are going to be over the 5gb.


    I think there will be some backlash over them putting that statement out when other carriers told them unlimited wasn't sustainable but yet sprint insisted that with spark it was. They just need to get B41 and B26 deployed nationwide pretty quickly. B26 will help places that aren't super populated for a little while but eventually they are going to need another 10mhz total 1900 carrier from refarming 3g nationwide.

    From what I have gathered lte adoption for Sprint was very high so I think they could afford to do that where b41 will be a while to get there.


    Just my 2 cents I think sprint can keep unlimited data with all the clearwire spectrum and they could also get some pcs h block from dish.

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  6. Cool so it doesn't seem to matter if a market is spark or not wether b26 is getting deployed first in those areas. Another question I am guessing that places where b26 is showing up 1x800 has been on in those places for awhile? I sure do wish I had the extra money to go ahead and donate to premier status so that I wouldn't have to ask so many questions, maybe I can get my ol'lady to do it for me for my birthday cause it's not to far off. Thanks for all the answers and information everyone on this site contributes to I have to say this one of the most informative and my favorite site to be on ????

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