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Posts posted by KD8JBF

  1. Ive lived down there all my life and never knew there was a Zaxbys down there. Fail.


    But yay for b26! Next time I visit I won't be stuck on b25!



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk


    It just opened yesterday....It was slammed packed, we had to wait an hour for our food....:-/ But at any rate, the B26 still needs optimized, but it's coming!!

    • Like 1
  2. Everything appears to be working good here.


    Hi Fabian. Since I know you apparently stalk my posts here based on your comment from fierce wireless. Forgot to mention how freaking creepy that is, but hey it's all public.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk


    Hey, i'm sure they're just keeping it all in the interwebz....Nothing personal....Maybe envy? Who knows....

  3. I feel like I hit the Jackpot... Lol.... I have a high priority ticket open with Sprint Exec care and they forwarded my ticket to the local Ericsson tech. He called me directly. He was so impressed with my level of knowledge, that we talked for about an hour, an let me keep his number if I have issues or questions in the future. He lives in the same area and feels my pain with coverage... Niccceeeeee

    • Like 9
  4. UPDATE: I just called GOOD Customer Care in reference to the tweet they sent and to clarify, the tweet is misleading. The lady stated to me that anyone using good after 12/30/2014 will be charged $15/mo for good and EVEN IF YOU ARE ONLY USING IT ON WI-FI THEY CAN TELL AND WILL STILL CHARGE YOU! 


    How this can be is beyond me, but the tweet is misleading. It means that Sprint service won't be impacted if you opt out of it. But you WILL LOOSE good connectivity. 



  5. Guys, maybe you can enlighten me.  I have never heard of Good before.  But it sounds like BlackBerry Internet Service.  That requires back end hardware/software support from the wireless operator.  If so, that warrants a monthly charge.


    I come from a university/corporate hybrid environment, which has long since adopted Exchange and/or Gmail platforms.  Why have your organizations not done likewise?  Why mess around with this Good stuff -- no pun intended?




    Hey AJ,


    We use good in our IT environment. We're in the Financial Services industry so we use it for compliance purposes to be able to delete all traces of messages off of user devices when an employee is terminated. AFAIK, There is no hardware/software needed at the Sprint level. The GOOD app authenticates with servers hosted at GOOD corporate. The only thing that is used between the two is the data pipe. We have a good server here that communicates with Good corporate and from there, that is where the phones talk to. So don't know why they are treating differently....


    As an aside....isn't this a "Net Neutrality" issue? 

  6. So was just down south yesterday and today. In Rivera, north palm, and palm beach gardens. The LTE experience is nice but I can absolutely definitely see how b26 is needed, and even densifying b41 down there.


    My experience is Orlando is consistently better than it was down there, and my house is a black hole. Being up here with all three bands makes me feel bad for the people south of the evil line... Hopefully that'll be resolved soon so we can get b26 state wide. What a difference that will make.


    Another thing to note is that I had LTE pretty much the entire ride. There is a stretch where it drops to 3G which is basically unusable because it's such a low signal, but for the majority of the ride on 95 it's all LTE. Very impressive considering this time last year I would've had 3g ( and unusable) most of the way.





    Sent from my iPhone 6 on Crapatalk

    Amen about the b26! We need it bad....
    • Like 1
  7. FYI: Just confirmed today (Experience) Not sure if anyone knows. But they are waiving Tablet/Hotspot access fees now as well through 2015. I just added a Tab S 10.5 and re-activated my old Tab 3 for my wife after moving to the 20GB Shared plan. Only paying $15 Access fee for my phone. Applies to plans of 20GB or higher.


    EDIT: They said this was a NEW Promotion, people I talked to didn't know about it, when looking it up, it's legit. So maybe a new announcement coming? 

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