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Everything posted by Bosco

  1. you've gotta find someone more intimidating than Bones if you're gonna try to threaten people.
  2. welcome.....youll get to know my humor..... ...that's what he keeps promising the rest of us too.
  3. just remember, the best way to solve problems is with words...not emoticons.
  4. in case anyone is interested sprint black friday deals -LG G2 for $49 -GS4 mini for free -galaxy tab 3 for $49 of course there are MIR's involved
  5. not sure which thread was discussing difficulty getting their iphone 5s from AF sprint store. just thought i'd let you know i reserved a gold one (seem to be the hardest to find) at the AF best buy for my wife and i just got an email today saying it's in the store to pick up. just wanted to give you some hope that it'll be here soon if they're catching up on demand.
  6. i thought the first rule is you don't talk about being a sprint customer
  7. if it makes you feel any better, that's 9 more than the AF best buy has received where i'm waiting for my wife's 5s to arrive.
  8. definitely sell it on your own instead of trading back to sprint. i use ksl and ebay daily and both could be good options.
  9. i'm planning on pre ordering an iphone 5s for my wife in about a week because she has the 4s which isn't even 4g capable. i sure hope there will be some 4g for her to use on her new phone. i know a lot of guys here are android but anyone who is interested, live blogs of the iphone event will start at 11 MST.
  10. is there a difference in either the range or penetrating qualities of lte vs 3g? just wondering about when the towers are done if the quality of the signal will improve...
  11. i'll be happy for you if it does but i'll admit i'm getting impatient
  12. i've got an iphone too and it sounds like you're much more comfortable with yours than i am with mine. do you know how to get to the engineering screen? i haven't figured it out yet.
  13. yes there is an active tower right where you were. i'm in west lehi, almost saratoga. keep us posted if you see anything on that tower. i've been keeping an eye on the lehi tower on pioneer and mill pond and also the AF tower east of fresh market.
  14. http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5550/9517718499_bed4fe6084_o.jpg this is the second closest tower to my house as i couldn't see the antenna that's supposed to be about a mile from me i'm sure this isn't much help but as a rookie i didn't know if there's something i could be watching for aside from actually catching workers on the tower. there obviously a LOT of antennas up there so i'm not sure how to tell what is what. thanks ahead of time for your patience with my ignorance...hopefully i can be a help and not a hindrance.
  15. i don't know but i'm a total rookie to this stuff. i work about a block away from one of the towers listed on the map of what is slated to get a 4g upgrade and i can't even find a tower or anything there.
  16. welcome! i just joined yesterday and if it makes you feel any better, it looks like you're in slc so the current activity is much closer to you than me.
  17. if it makes you feel any better, this morning i opened sensorly to see if there were any changes and all the sudden all of utah vall was covered! i had my 2 second freak out before i realized i hadn't changed the drop-down to 4g instead of wimax.
  18. hey guys, new here but i've found some interesting info. does the coverage documented on sensorly not show up on sprint's website because they won't make it official until it's wider spread coverage?
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