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S4GRU Member
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  • Phones/Devices
    Sprint Samsung Galaxy SIII
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    Tucson, AZ
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Redroodog's Achievements

Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. Very strange activity today in Tucson as well. Erpdh dropping off to EVDO.....and slow EVDO, and I mean slow ...to no signal at all. There MUST be some stirring of the 4G pot here in Tucson.
  2. I'm going to keep this thread informed the best I can on a daily basis to help us Tucsonians up to speed on Sprint's 4G/LTE rollout process. As we have kept the faith and believe that sticking with Sprint through thick and thin will have a big payoff in the end. All the band wagon jumpers will regret ever leaving. We will have one of the best products out in the market. Keep the Faith and stay informed fellow Sprinters!
  3. I've been tracking the signals around the entire city of Tucson every day for the past month. Today, 8/11/13, there must be some serious back haul work, or some kind of work goin on because my Erpdh signal switched back and forth to EVDO, and sometimes it goes out completely just left with 1xRTT running at -88 dBm, Ec/lo: -2.0 db. The strangest part of the whole thing is that my AirRaid 2.5 has went on the blink showing all flashing red lcd's except solid green on the bottom one. It will then go all solid green for 1 minute, only to return to blinking red again. Coincidence? Who knows. I suspect because this is ONLY happening late in the evenings for 4 consecutive days. Any thoughts?
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