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Status Updates posted by LegenDerry_

  1. I've been up since 6: 30 am Friday morning...its 5: 10am Saturday morning....wedding is at 3pm.....lets gooooo!!!!!

  2. Off to work for a half day then making my first trip to Augusta GA for Nicks wedding.

  3. Damn baby what you do to yo hair!?...Orlando you like it?? Its Autumn Sunrise!

  4. Im ready for the rapture, take all of yall away from my precious sinful earth lol

  5. I hate when people try to kick knowledge, just cause your dumbass finally found something out about something don't mean i want to hear it

  6. The thing is, neither candidate is a "bad" guy, and if you have a mindset of that one is then you are a child, (cont) http://t.co/Yx0vcbBn

  7. ** Unfollows ** RT @MindInMayhem Do cats REALLY have 9 lives like REALLY =/ or is it just a myth ?.

  8. Boardwalk Empire .....so good.

  9. Lol RT @Deion_Slanders RT @2ndCaptainFly: If you still in a bikini in ya avi you a hoe, and I love you.

  10. Halo 4 feels like halo only quicker....so far I'm loving it

  11. Lmao at extra skill pts RT @Infyrno23 I'm too old to be involved with that bullshit, I lived past (cont) http://t.co/YXjOVP7R

  12. oh god another cry baby teen kills herself because of "bullying" !? I'm not sorry I don't have any remorse. (cont) http://t.co/PA5DJi3r

  13. man these spotify emails are annoying and so damn unecessary

  14. Today's lunch Squash and yogurt http://t.co/wSEnmzwk

  15. First time playing Xbox live in my own house in six months.....youve been missed

  16. I refuse to be with a female who will call me her "bae"

  17. Lol my daddy got him an iPhone and an Instagram account http://t.co/P7pW54Zm

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