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Status Updates posted by LegenDerry_

  1. Just finished a bottle of gentleman jack...naw we at the bar in phillips...more jack and now some stella!!!!!

  2. “@_ImCaillou I'M JELLIS RT @LegenDerry_ Tonight, we gets drunk, we rides marta, we go see @coldplay

  3. Tonight, we gets drunk, we rides marta, we go see @coldplay

  4. “@billmaher Reading about #TomCruise - 3 divorces? I'm beginning to think Operating Thetan Level 7 isn't all its cracked up to be”

  5. “@engadget PSA: Samsung Galaxy S III now available in Sprint stores - http://t.co/2uFkJ4FZ”

  6. Damn 2wknds in a row a member of the crew in jail smh

  7. “@TheTeamCake I hate females who just lay thereduring sex and expect the male todo everything.”

  8. Yes I was dying lmao“@Kookies_n_Kurls Yoooooo that movie Ted is Fucking hilarious!! Laughed til I cried!”

  9. “@C_R3yna06 “@WauGasol The patch in the back kills me LMAO RT @BoneyStarks: Bruh said give me the 1, 13, 45, and 48. http://t.co/kVpR9DEH””

  10. Ted was hilarious

  11. “@UberFacts People who flirt in an outgoing, physical manner attract shorter relationships.”

  12. “@AshleyDashMarie Dont say something behind someones back , that you are not willing to Repeat in their face !!!”

  13. This "Some Nights" album by FUN is great! Its like Queen x Kanyes 808 n heartaches

  14. Whenever I hear this song Im instantly transported back to Las Vegas one morning I went jogging around the hotel bla… http://t.co/oZmwrroP

  15. “@RyanLoco It appears the village where the strippers in Magic Mike live is actually a fake village inside a wildlife preserve.”

  16. I treat people good cause I have good parents and I listened. Karma is real and she can be a bitch or a saint...that part is up to you

  17. “@DemetraDawson @LegenDerry_ is a great person. #ijs

  18. So damn tired of my phone randomly shutting off smh... Just a couple more days

  19. So damn tired but its way to early to go to sleep

  20. Definitely thought my credit score was way worse than what it is... something musta fell off after 7yrs

  21. hope 2omf get their shit together!! came so far....

  22. :) lol“@PrettiKlassii @LegenDerry_ lol. Not you DareBear. I adore you”

  23. “@TreatWomenRight “@EvilLuckyLarry Gets Higher Than Khalifa, When he smokes his refer””

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