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Status Updates posted by LegenDerry_

  1. I ImagIne u go to cental statIon RT @MackNSweetJones Black bitches was in the mothafuckin club last (cont) http://t.co/pkgbxpfS

  2. I hate coming in to my leasing office...fucking Tijuana

  3. NIgga yes lmao RT @seniodatdude I will be pissed losing to a nigga with no legs

  4. Why was the diabeetus old guy my grandfather in this dream I had

  5. Lol who saId she 13!??? RT @KrazyChino RT @Simplemachines_: Now that I think about it.. jail isn't (cont) http://t.co/QNzpz6Bm

  6. I hate montell Jordan

  7. RT @illionaire2006 This chick won a gold medal at 15. And I thought playing varsity sports was doing it at that age. My life aint shit

  8. Lol good photoshop tho RT @Deion_Slanders Nightwing RT @SDeLaBelle: what? http://t.co/Iw2JxMDT

  9. If you have 7mins please watch this! Great for tech heads and people who believe tech is going to far!http://t.co/Oz3X3Oeu

  10. Completely obliterating teams is not entertaining to me. I'm a huge NBA fan and I couldn't care less about basketball in the Olympics lol


  12. Forget the politically correct crap, I think im smarter than the average bear and im SURE you think YOU are too. (cont) http://t.co/3sWZoRTA

  13. Oh today's the day when everyone who has zero phone knowledge speaks up. lol. i'll just sit back and laugh.

  14. RT @Offensive Wonka RT @UnluckiestBrian Kidnaps a girl. Liam Neesons daughter.

  15. 2 adays for the rest of the month :(

  16. Congrats man! I got a looong way to go lol smh RT @LeftyJeenyus I'm a no debt nigga http://t.co/0WkUhv6U

  17. Lol that whIte gIrl bed set RT @aBoldAssOracle @LegenDerry_ what the hell is this?---->http://t.co/6aRLu96i

  18. USA GOLD Womens Gymnastics!!!!


    http://t.co/pKEc5o6O definitely not supposed to be watching the Olympics lol

  20. RT @Simply Keish RT @MayaAngelouFRO YALL!!!!!! THIS "@_Annihilus_: I'm going to leave this here.... http://t.co/fycZWI0o"

  21. Bwaahhaa RT @TiMiller23 0 for 1 “@DaveBFI: LOOOOOL RT @BellaTooJuicey: Me and my Celebrity Look a like http://t.co/bSKZ3zcp””

  22. damn poor kids starting school back ALREADY!!? damns

  23. Only had two files today...and they are done..meaning Im finished for today lmao http://t.co/fz7Hdpbq

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