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Everything posted by kevinkrueger

  1. Very disappointed that @repcorygardner voted for House Amendment 1093 which would protect monopoly broadband providers from more competition

  2. RT @bphogan: The problem with programming is that it’s really, really hard to separate “this is better” from “this is new and I’m excited a…

  3. RT @newsycombinator: My Uber got pulled over by the Denver police – and then things got really weird http://t.co/urezPjBGCY

  4. RT @dangillmor: Someone should force all members of the FCC to listen to a customer attempting to cancel Comcast: https://t.co/L5TvS3SAf4

  5. RT @bartongellman: NEW: Snowden gave me 160k conversations intercepted by the NSA. Here’s what @JulieATate @ashk4n & I learned. http://t.co…

  6. RT @thurrott: Me to self. Don't comment on Supreme Court. Don't comment on Supreme Court. Don't comment on Supreme Court. You know what? F-…

  7. RT @TNG_S8: All missions are put on hold until Worf locates his contact lens. The crew nervously waits in silence as he angrily crawls the …

  8. This @okcupid privacy flaw has existed for years, and hasn't been fixed. http://t.co/uGt0WbZwLH Protip: Don't use @okcupid.

  9. RT @karianna: http://t.co/v3I8PpBuNF - I’m not usually a fan of “yet another manifesto” - but I like this one.

  10. RT @superwuster: As Google Fiber's co-location policy suggests, if cable cos actually wanted to Net video to be better, it would be http://…

  11. Not confidence inspiring:"you need a secure browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x or higher, or Netscape Navigator 6.x or higher."

  12. RT @HenrikJoreteg: Technical competence can be rendered useless by lack of people skills, communication skills, pragmatism, or persistence.…

  13. Somebody tells me "Love your chest tats". Um, thanks, but @okcupid doesn't validate e-mail addresses, so I'm not who you think I am.

  14. Hmm. What does WinJS going cross-platform bring to the table? Does the WinJS name still make sense?

  15. What did I just read before bed? http://t.co/ydME8bk59H

  16. RT @robconery: Repositories On Top of UnitOfWork are Not a Good Idea http://t.co/KoXJMHxBpO

  17. RT @kashyapa: At last, C# is getting “?.”, sometimes called the Safe Navigation Operator #fb http://t.co/VdLMVPp99w

  18. RT @David_Dobbs: Risky business. @dropeik on psychology of why smart people side against the evidence, eg., going anti-GMO http://t.co/K1HF…

  19. RT @EFF: How did Obama's NSA announcements score? Here's our filled-out card. http://t.co/N3h8qJW5Hk

  20. Blown away that SSRS 2012 still depends on IE 5 quirks mode to render properly.

  21. With passage of 2B, all Longmont homes and business expected to have access to gigabit internet within 3 years. Excellent!

  22. End of an era. Cancelled my Netflix DVD subscription after 13 years.

  23. How are people integrating Git with Visual Studio these days? Microsoft's Visual Studio Tools for Git any good?

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