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Status Updates posted by BobbyBolduc

  1. I actually stayed up for the whole game! I'll pay for it tomorrow for sure. #GoYankees

  2. Such a big strike zone tonight.

  3. "@BryanHoch: Now on http://t.co/UJeoHiu8: Yankees rolling heading into Fenway nightcap http://t.co/hRpyxWKg"

  4. The Yankees win! The Yankeeeeeees win! #GoYankees

  5. First inning bullpen action Haha

  6. "@Yankees: Let's take a moment to remember The Boss on his birthday. He will never be forgotten."

  7. "@mwr55nook: Wonder how teams get all the tires mounted so quick at a @NASCAR race. Check this pic @KySpeedway http://t.co/ma9Cf61f"

  8. "@Yankees: Robinson Cano has homered in 7 of his last 10 games. #VoteCano"

  9. "@NickSwisher: I love saying this... #anotherbombersweep"

  10. "@Yankees: #HappyJeterDay - How about a photo of The Captain and his iconic fist pump? http://t.co/fxCd3v2s"

  11. "@Yankees: Happy birthday to The Captain, Derek Jeter, who turns 38 today!"

  12. "@MLB: Here's what it looks like when Red Sox turn White: http://t.co/r1DnOvlU"

  13. "@NHC_Atlantic: Tropical Storm #Debby advisory 1 issued. Tropical storm #Debby forms in the central gulf of mexico http://t.co/EqkZYfcq"

  14. Screw this weather!

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