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Status Updates posted by EliBohnert

  1. Windows 7>>>>>>>>>Windows 8

  2. Photo: Why hello there! (at The Bohnerts) http://t.co/Q4iIDChF

  3. Oprah: Microsoft's Surface is like a Mercedes http://t.co/k5qFo867 via @CNET Okay This does mean the Surface is really good.

  4. And freezing fingers can't type

  5. I just love how I paid $11.99 for Red at @walgreens but yet @iTunes wants $14.99 for it

  6. I'm watching The Voice (891 others checked-in) http://t.co/SyQ8kPTq #GetGlue @nbcthevoice

  7. Ellen again today!

  8. Photo: Hey there probie (at The Bohnerts) http://t.co/MKAbqabx

  9. Probie kitty is sleeping with me tonight. Nobody's gonna murder me

  10. Me and my sister are making Romney into mean nick names!

  11. I just love how Romney just said 'we love all people during people during this disaster' I'm sitting here like biachhhhh plz

  12. Oh crap my grandparents are here and I'm home alone. Time to run down stairs and hide

  13. If you tell me I'm cute one more time I might have to slap your face to bring you into reality.

  14. Photo: ???? (at The Bohnerts) http://t.co/FDMiovqF

  15. When your writing thank you cards and writeDear grandpa and grandpaInstead of Dear grandma and grandpaLAOOLL OPPS

  16. I'm listening to "Lights (Bassnectar Remix)" by Ellie Goulding on Pandora RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED #pandora

  17. Putting 82 apps and 1,245 song back on my iPhone should be fun

  18. Everybody at the announcement Is getting a free Windows Phone!!

  19. Dear windows laptops,I HATE YOUR WIFI PROBLEMS.Eli

  20. Since when was 'cowgirl' not a word on letter press

  21. I unlocked the Hollywood Intern sticker on #GetGlue! @intel http://t.co/bAtPO6D7

  22. I unlocked the America's Funniest Home Videos: Halloweenies 2012 and Second Guy Bites It sticker on #GetGlue! http://t.co/hwtXIToS

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