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Everything posted by JustinRP37

  1. Only in NYC do you wait 'on line'. It is 'IN LINE'! I am waiting in a line! And it is very long! And I am hungry! #rantover

  2. Rather than address the analysts, the job of Sprint is to prove them wrong. They don't have to nitpick every report that comes out. If they post good numbers the analysts will stop. If companies responded to all analysts, then they would get nowhere.
  3. At the risk of going off topic, this was absolutely ridiculous. Here buy this Ferrari, but we put a governor at 40mph...
  4. I would not call it bias. The company has done this to themselves. They have been bleeding subscribers and money for years now. Wall Street is not forgiving. Hell, every time a new iPhone comes out many analysts claim doom for Apple and the stock will fail. Guess what Apple is still selling record numbers of iPhones and doing well with the Mac line. Sprint on the other hand has just barely started to enter recovery mode. That alone is hard, but with the economy showing signs of slowing down, yeah you better believe Wall Street analysts are worried. The company really cannot take on much more debt and HAS to start showing major signs of improvement. Things are not all sunny at Sprint. If the analysts kill Apple when they make an misstep, which they did today by putting a 5,400RPM spinner in an iMac, then you can be sure that they will be worried with Sprint too.
  5. If one more piece of lab equipment breaks down this week then I am going to cry! #labproblems #alwayssomething

  6. RT @FordhamGSAS: Biology PhD candidate @JustinRP37 presenting research on blacklegged ticks @ BronxScience Consortium Poster Symposium http…

  7. I feel like there is something not right about eating the Pope. #popecookie #PopeinNYC http://t.co/WNJAs7ff8v

  8. I always forget how beautiful and creepy @LouisCalderCtr is at night. You never know what may jump out in front of you. #workinglate

  9. My email is stressing me out today! #leavemealone #newsemester

  10. If you are an investor, tonight is a little terrifying. #freefallin #markets #scary

  11. Why does @Starbucks health coverage keep getting worse? #whyhaveit

  12. That moment when you realize your food is moving but not because of your movements. #ants #kitchenproblems #gross

  13. Nothing says welcome back to your home lab like a day out doing larval population estimates! #ticks #larva #research

  14. RT @LouisCalderCtr: Congratulations to Christine Zolnik for successfully defending her dissertation defense!

  15. So long DC and Baltimore! Back to NYC and home soon! #tired #longtrip

  16. Great week in Baltimore for #ESA100! Conference is over after many good talks, posters, and new connections made. #networking

  17. I'll be at presenting my poster at spot 158! #ESA100 #ticks

  18. RT @SethGanzhorn: @fordhamnotes BIO & @LouisCalderCtr is making a BIG presence at #ESA100 in Baltimore 2 symposiums, 5 talks, 6 posters #…

  19. A worthwhile read. Since working with #ticks, I am still amazed at what we do not understand or know. #LymeDiseasehttp://t.co/KvDN4n2ApX

  20. I am pretty sure that cable is the only industry that is able to declare their hardware actually appreciates as it ages. #sameolddvr

  21. RT @AWomaninSTEM: Helpful list: 10 #PhD compatible careers for those (scientists) not seeking tenure-track positions http://t.co/cP76Z3kuCG…

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