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Everything posted by illest_ios

  1. im hoping someone can answer this, if i dont update to GM will i get the finalized verision OTA? or should i back up and restore back to 6.1.4? im so stumped about this.
  2. apprently its not going OTA. so does that mean i will have to wait until the 21st? i hope my beta doesnt get deactivated...
  3. same here. maybe it is signs of progress though! it sucks but i hope we weill see something soon!
  4. YUP! well techincally SLC but yeah. it returned to 3G but occasionally my iphone does that. and just stays stuck.
  5. maybe sprint is doing some important ish today. i have litterally been stuck in 1x all day -_-
  6. makes sense. LOL thats too funny. but i was just curious, so im assuming once its fired up and has the LTE/3G upgrades its good to go and wont be messed around with again? i mean unless for repairs and things like that.
  7. I have always been curious aobut this. with a newly accepted LTE tower, even though its accepted, is it still being fine tuned for coverage and speed and what not?? thanks guys
  8. No no! I just mean that I'm waiting for LTE. Cuz it's taking it's sweet ass time! Lol I wish I knew something about the rollout but sadly... I do not.
  9. i hate legacy so much. LOL. but seriously, percentage wise, how completed does everyone think NV is?
  10. thanks! im so excited for the event. should be great!!
  11. i regret gertting the 16GB so much. go 32GB if you jump ship.
  12. i agree. i think triband will make me either sell my iphone and get the 5s or go to the G2.
  13. http://www.latinpost.com/articles/1875/20130903/ios-7-release-date-2013-rumors-features-gold-master-version.htm
  14. So... from what this says is avalible today via email? i hope not... im not in the DEV program
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