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Everything posted by waterbound

  1. With the testing I have completed I am starting to believe the LTE signal issue EVO specific, at least in the area I tested in Annapolis, MD. Myself and a co-worker drove a couple of miles away to a 'known' good 4G area, he with his GS3 and my EVO 4G LTE. We are both updated with latest firmware and radios etc. In our 1/2 hour drive, he picked up LTE twice and locked on for almost the entire time. I picked up a 4G 'blip' once during the test 1/2 hour and by 'blip' it said 4G and was gone before I could verify anything. I tried to chnage from CDMA to CDMA/LTE, LTE only and every combination I could think of and could never connect while he connected and maintained with no issues and pulled about 25mb down on average for most of the drive. I am using apps Network and CDMA field test along with airplane mode toggle between various settings. The only signal I ever saw was Evdo RevA. If I used airplane to toggle it seemd to take forever to get a CDMA signal back. The tower we drove by was a known completed 3G/4G tower according to the interactive maps on the site here. The tower information howing completed 3G/4G: DC03XC562 38.978218252223726, -76.49302135773709, 9-99 Church Cir, Annapolis, MD 21401, USA Sprint Market: Baltimore NV Complete: 3G/4G OEM: ALU RF Switch: DC-HANOVER-MSC_2 Th troubling part is that he was able to connect to this site a long time before we were there, maybe close to 3-3.5 miles away so he I am assuming he connected to another site that isn't showing up on this completed site? I attached the log files from CDMA field test application if anyone wants to look at them, one is the log and the other is the KML which you can open easily in http://www.gpsvisualizer.com just by browsing to the saved file and it will open in Google Maps. I was trying to deceipher in the log which and at what time I hit the 4G for a fraction of a second by looking at the BSID, SID and RSSI. I thought the BSID was the number that matched up to the above number 'DC03XC562' but no where is the log is anything close to that number. If anyone can shed some light on how to read the log and coorelate to anything useful, please let me know! Otherwise I am waiting a few weeks to see if things improve or assume its an EVO thing and move on. I am rooted an have tried a few ROMS, stock, CM10 and ports of JB, same as the GS3 user but starting to think there is something inherantly wrong at lease with the software on the EVO, at least mine. I also live in between two towers that are about 1.5 miles aways from me and have never seen any 4G but then again, they also dont show as completed on this interactive map so not extecting to see it there. Thanks- BSlocation.zip
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