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Everything posted by DMAC2021

  1. I can get a better signal on the LTE engineering screenshot if needed for proof. That screen shot was in building at work.
  2. Yet another LTE tower in cape launched today!! Covers my work very strong signal!
  3. Heres the tower off 74 in cape. Also mapped it on sensorly right by the tower
  4. I'll give it a shot tomorrow and hopefully still be the first to map in Cape!! Lol thanks
  5. Is anyone else having trouble mapping with sensorly? I can't get it to map 4g on my One or my wife's S III. I hit to start mapping and it says it is, but plots 0 points...
  6. I'm ready to post my first official question. I'm sorry if it has already been asked before. Is it possible for sprint to hook up fiber to legacy equipment? I have noticed theyve been digging and looks like theyre running fiber. I noticed that about a week or two ago. 4-5 days ago the tower where I work went out during a storm. 3 days ago I saw a guy working on the tower. After that for the past 3 days my data speeds have been amazing. I'm pulling no less than 1Mbps and bursts of up to 2.1Mbps. This is INCREDIBLY strange for this tower. Previouslyy speeds were anywhere from 0-200Kbps MAX (not exaggerating). I often couldn't even load the Google home page. I have never experienced speeds on this tower that fast before in 3 1/2 years. There's no new antennas or RRU on this tower. Anyone know how this could be ?
  7. Monkey not have his banana today? I was under the impression that Sprint provided unlimited data to anyone willing to pay for it. I guess that also means you can complain about someone else's usage they're paying for I'm sure everyone here understands there's not an unlimited amount of spectrum.
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