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    4G Information

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Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. argh!! I live in Inman (but closer to Boiling Springs) as well but not seeing it. Are you in the actual city? Which tower you using?
  2. Live near Boiling Springs. I have the tri-fi hotspot. Haven't been able to test the only LTE tower. But LTE did show up for the first time the other day. The signa wasl poor. I tried to connect to it anyway but it then disappeared. My closest tower just popped up as 3g completed. I was surprised because it never showed in progress. The first night I was receiving great speeds (compared to the norm). That only lasted a day though. Now its back to the same old. I am hoping it's still being worked on or the new equipment hasn't been switched on yet. Disappointing but nice to see some progress in my area. Since this is my only form of internet access, I have been watching the maps incessantly.
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