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Everything posted by steveo314

  1. So if i get eHRPD from a tower it means that one has the software upgrade for LTE??????
  2. I'll take a look at that site on my way home and run up and snag some pics of the fenced in area. On another note, I'm glad lilg740 figured on the eHRPD thing on the GNex. Had 4G passing the airport and the Brentwood/40 areas this morning. Before i couldn't pick it up at either place.
  3. Just like all the work sprint created for themselves after iDEN goes down?
  4. What about Franklin and Lincoln(the other STL metro outskirts)?
  5. That's what i'm thinking. Cause they are making some kind of progress in Warren Co.
  6. Still vehicles at Des Peres site no big trucks though
  7. i wasn't able to run a speedtest. i had to run down Brentwood Blvd past Bridgeport and then shoot up to UMSL. at Brentwood and Bridgeport I was on 3G though
  8. I dont know about lilg740 but i DO NOT use Sensorly anymore so we can have an accurate map.
  9. Yea I did. I don't know why that would be off on an LTE device.....
  10. Turned the eHRPD on on my gnex and finally get 4G at Brentwood and 40.
  11. thats as good as they'll get. i'll get more pictures later today cause those suck.
  12. Ill have to get back over there and get better pictures of the top rack then
  13. CORRECTED POST FOR: Tesson Ferry and Griffin tower:
  14. still trying to figure it out. Dropbox links won't work and Flickr doesn't work either i guess.
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