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Posts posted by Marv1

  1. Sitting on the john at the house and got a signal of some B26...97d51fdb826c2226f2c6df461e200ecd.jpg

    Not bad, speed was ok.... Just still hard to hold the signal in here.... But not complaining... f8897d8756c05dc17d0f0f463f48ea8b.jpg

    Reporting late, but I was Daytona Beach New Year's Day. I was at the backside of the Volusia Mall, and noticed for the first time I was connected to B41out of the 3 times I went to Daytona. Here's what I got that morning.




    As for the first 2 times in Daytona (day after Xmas, and the day after), being across the street from the International Speedway, I was connected more to B25 more than anything else, which was super slow. At times, didn't have data.

  2. As I mentioned earlier, been averaging 9-11 Mbps at my parents house. Went outside Xmas Eve afternoon putting some things away, and noticed B26 dBm signals were down to -94 to -102. Ran a speed test and got 24.85 up! Since then been getting a combination of B26 and 3G. During night time hours B26 signals are ranging from -110 dBm to -117 dBm the past 2 nights.


    Went to my Grandmother's house in NSB Xmas day, which is located just before the Riverside Park area. Ran a speed tests here and there throughout the day, and got on average high 26-28 Mbps up/7 Mbps down! Overall service was great! I have some relatives that have T-Mo and Verizon who were also in attendance. Played some fun games, but when it came down to using devices to search for things, they seemed to be struggling. My parents have Verizon (old flip phones), been with them for 12 years, and mentioned to me they have terrible service at home to the point texts and calls won't go through, and have to go outside/inside house to stand in certain spots to get a signal. A cousin came by my parents house has Verizon (S4 ) and had very little to no service. Guess what? My parents will be moving over to Sprint sometime this coming week, and I will make sure they will get the right plan that fit their needs. It will also be their first ever smartphones lol! It's about time! Since being here, I haven't had any issues at all! Been through Sanford today, still no issues, and it was pretty cool to see all the combinations of LTE networks switching, that also included B41. I will be making my way up to Daytona very soon also. Huge change and difference compared to 2 years ago!

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  3. B41 is great in Orlando if you can find it. Is the Airport still 3G only? It was last time I was there in April but it worked really well.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    What's interesting, while in the plane after landing heading to the gate, I was picking up a combination of everything! Inside of the airport was mostly 3G/3G 800. Leaving the airport, tons of Band 26 just outside of the airport, and handful of areas with B41 thereafter. I'm here in New Smyrna Beach staying with family. Their house is in between Lake Ashby, and the 44. There's 2 LTE towers in the area. Picking up Band 26 with decent speeds of 10-11 Mbps. A year and half ago, when there wasn't LTE, 3G was struggling in the area (very wooded), and relied more in WiFi when using data. I'm getting B26 signals ranging anywhere from -104 to -111 dBm. I'm very impressed with progress, and improvement in this area! My sister has the Note 2. Note sure what she's picking up single band wise, but will let you guys know once I get my hands on it.
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  4. well, it's you.  :) 


    Actually, I don't have any issue with hearing callers in any venue unless they are calling from another network or mumbling or muffling their voice by covering the microphone hole.  HD calls are super loud actually, have to turn it down.


    True. I experienced my first S5 HD call last weekend in a heavily lit LTE location, meeting up with a friend who was also in the same area. Very crisp, clear, and way too loud.

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  5. A couple of days ago, I mentioned getting LTE signals standing outside on my driveway, or standing on the street by my car along the curbside. Well earlier tonight, I picked up signals getting out of my car, walked past my driveway, and about 3 feet or so before opening the house door to go inside, it switched back to 3G quickly. Below is what I picked up. I was also surprised how early in the evening it was to.



    • Like 1
  6. 3 miles with line of sight is nothing for B25. The only reason B25 with LOS would not go 3 miles is if the down tilt was severe on that sector, or he was between sectors perfectly.

    Many times when people complain they cannot get a B25 signal one mile from the site, most often the issue is ground clutter. Trees, low hills and berms, structures, etc. Standing in their driveway produces no signal. But if they stand on their roof and suddenly have LOS to the tower one mile away..,poof...they have a -95 RSRP.

    The nearest site to me is a flagpole site, and the other is in a low church tower. And yes, we have very high hills, and lots of other structures around such as trees, 3 story apartment buildings, and homes. Makes total sense.

  7. Your 1x connection in RSSI is what I would be most interested in. Like JossMan said above, a -95dBm RSSI 1x1900 signal would be roughly equivalent to a -115/-120dBm RSRP Band 25 LTE signal, which is the edge of usability.

    So it all depends on the LTE site setup? I was wondering what was going on where I live. I'm 1 mile from a LTE tower east of me, and there's another site inside of a church that's about a mile south of me. I never understood why I never could get LTE at home (and inside) majority of the time, only decent 3G. Every once in a while at times, during late nights anywhere around 10:30 pm and after when standing in front of my driveway, I will pick up LTE signals ranging between -117 dBm to 120 dBm for a short period of time. Makes sense now. Here's what I normally get inside and outside the house.



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  8. That's just how the 3G icons work. When it's receiving data, it goes into spinny mode, when its not, it's a big old 3G symbol. Odd choice, but it is what it is. On older phones and OS versions, you would have seen a green and orange-ish arrows toggling their color, which would indicate data is transferring.


    Quesiton 2:


    So, what you'll find is that there is a specific time that the phone will sit on 3G before it'll switch back over to LTE.


    For example, I have lots of LTE around me at work. When I get into my car though, I go through a dense parking garage, my phone will latch onto 3G (not every day, but some). Sometimes, I will not see LTE pop up until I get home even though I travel through an area will much LTEs available. Other times, it'll pop back over to LTE when I hit the first stop sign.


    I would NOT disable any bands of LTE and I'm not sure that you even can (it looks like you can, but you can't do anything in that menu without root). The quickest thing to do if you are in an LTE area, but you are stuck on 3G, let's say for a commute home to stream music or something, just cycle airplane mode. You can set up the toggle in the quick toggles area of the notification shade. That should pop you back into LTE after airplane mode. The other option is to just do a PRL update, that will force the radios to rescan.


    It's a hassle, I know, but that's just how these phones work. If it were constantly scanning for LTE while on 3G, then the battery would drain even faster than it does on 3G. SO, they have it timed to look again after x-minutes (maybe around 15 or 20). Airplane mode cycle is the best. You'll find that as you area matures, you will find this popping over to 3G less and less. It's also possible that when all the areas mature for Sprint's network, they might reduce that wait to scan time.


    Glad you are enjoying the phone!


    Thanks a ton for the feedback! That explained everything perfectly! I also forgot to add LTE speeds were down. Last night after I posted, I decided to power off my phone for a minute or two. Something I didnt do after system updated to 4.4.4. I live in between 2 LTE towers. One is about a mile away, and the other is about a little over a mile. I can't get any LTE signsls at home. Some late nights if I'm standing outside I'd pick up a LTE signal here or there at -117 to -119 dBm when i had my S4. To make a long story short, I left home this morning on the normal 3G signals. As soon as i drove about 5 tenths of a mile, I seen the very quick handoff to LTE at -109 dBm! My S4 hardly ever did that, only when i got close to the site. On way to work, I held LTE signals for miles passing through, and by locations that had it, which didnt happen when i got the phone last Saturday. I've noticed quicker handoffs to 3G areas that don't have LTE.


    As for being at work, my S4 had speeds anywhere between 15-22 Mpbs depending on the day. Yesterday speeds were way below ranging between 8-10 Mpbs. Then again, maybe it was that kind of day. Did more tests today, and got what I expected! Can't wait to use the other bands in FL in next couple of weeks while on vacation! I love this phone!


    Thanks again for the very useful information!



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