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Blog Comments posted by galacticservant

  1. There is a base tower in the 92108 area code of San Diego that is either in Beta testing for LTE or is fully active. I consistantly receive 4G on My Motorola Photon Q LTE every morning when commuting to work (for those of you who know San Diego, this is the area of the Grantville trolley station). I will find out tomorrow the exact base staion number and location and report it in a later post. I called the Sprint Engineering Team and asked if indeed this location is processing 4G LTE and they said "we can not confirm if the tower in this area is up and running because we are not authorized to disclose before the 'official' announcement."

    I thought at first that maybe the Photon Q was blessed with a tri-band radio and was only receiving the WiMax signal broadcast from SDSU, which Sprint users have access to. But the Photon Q only has LTE capabilities. Soooooo.........

    Very soon, San Diegans, hang in there!

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