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S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by canestim

  1. .@BingRewards Facebook integration FTW, Google Plus+ = Fail http://t.co/Tv9i5fEbv3 #spon #BingItOn

  2. Can't wait till the tower near me is upgraded. It's the tower for my house and part of my commute. They put in a permit with the county in October, still nothing. It's a backhaul issue I am sure. Copper is fed to the site by AT&T and they already have WiMax at this site so I am sure it's too congested. Which is why we still have crappy DSL and no U-Verse upgrades in my area as well. It was nice when I had my Nexus S 4G because I would get WiMax at home and on the way to work. Now I only get 4g LTE with my Galaxy S3 right before I get to work and when I am on 3G it sometimes (sometimes, meaning all the time) stutters when I am streaming on the way to work. It's sad because it's like the only tower in Gwinnett County not upgraded yet
  3. Statement from President Donna E. Shalala http://t.co/FS2b7GHS

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