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Posts posted by halcyoncmdr

  1. I love the mobile Chrome browser and have yet to experience these issues on my devices. It's how I manage S4GRU administration and sponsorships on the go. There is no mobile admin panel for IP Board and I have to use the browser on the full site. I hope that Chrome continues to perform for me. So far, so good.


    Robert via Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2


    I've had the Chrome delay issue with my Galaxy S 2, Galaxy S 3 and Asus Transformer. At first I didn't think anything of it since I only noticed it on the Transformer (1st Gen). But the fact that the delay is there on my GS3 makes me avoid it.

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  2. However, I have noticed when web browsing, if I tap one of the links on my Chrome New Tab Page, there will be a good 2 or 3 second delay before the page starts loading, at which point it loads extremely quickly. I always just attributed it to Chrome.


    I see the exact same behavior with Chrome on my home WiFi connection. It's why I don't use it anymore, I find the stock browser to work well enough for the little bit that I do on my phone. That being said I have Chrome, Opera and Dolphin all installed as well. You never know, right? haha

  3. Only for verizon's version. It will work with other carrier's versions but nfc will be lost. Apparently verizon's has 2 extra contacts behind the battery cover that are for the nfc antenna that is in the induction charging battery cover.


    Not sure about Verizon's model, haven't gotten a chance to take one of those apart.


    The Sprint model however, the NFC antenna is built into the battery itself. There are two contacts to the left of the battery accessible for what I assume is an external battery or charging solution built into a different battery cover. I haven't been able to cleanly follow the copper on the PCB to figure out exactly where it goes on the board yet. My assumption based on those being the only contacts back there is that it would be for a wireless charging solution of some sort though.


    Keep in mind that NFC is designed to operate at low distance (1-2 inches) and anything that gets in the way will interfere, like the magnetic coils required for a wireless charging solution. Probably the only thing that wouldn't interfere would be some sort of contact-based solution like the old blackberry docks where there is true metal contact for charging.

  4. OK Thanks. I wasn't sure. Everything seems to work fine.


    Most likely placeholder naming that was never changed after the fix was put in place. The engineering screens aren't meant for the average user to access. They often have spelling errors as well from my experience over the years.


    A good example is all Samsung Android devices for a while had an app called "Let's try, panning!" that controlled the motion functionality, I assume, on the devices.

  5. Yes an SCRTN wipes all programming on the device and initiates a partial network-side update as well to the OMA Device Management system.


    Likely since you were on the phone with a rep, they fully refreshed the network side stuff before having you enter the code and having the phone re-do it's HFA.


    I'm still amazed daily how such an easy fix can make such a big difference. I just don't understand how it all gets messed up i nthe first place. A "nuke it from orbit" approach definitely works for HFA though that's for sure.

  6. I always wondered what RTN stood for. What's "SCRTN", then? "Save Customer-info Return To New"?


    I don't know for sure... my educated guess would be Selected Content Return To New. It only wipes out 4 programming items from the device memory. Your MDN, MSID, Slot 1 Data Profile, and HFA trigger I believe. My GS3 as evidenced above doesn't prompt for anything so it won't show what it clears ahead of time when asking for confirmation, since it doesn't require any confirmation like it is supposed to. All other information is left intact, so it is non-destructive.

  7. So I just noticed this happen a couple days ago. I had Sensorly opened and I hit "map trip" then I noticed it was not getting an points for 2g/3g I just thought it was a malfunction. So, then I tried to use Netmoniter and same thing, it would say no service and couldn't find the tower I was using. It seems this has happened since the day I did did the Google framework clear data to get Jellybean to push to my phone. Jellybean downloaded but I keep hitting install later because I didn't realize people were getting battery drain so I have been holding off. So....any ideas?


    Battery drain on the GS3 Jelly Bean release? Never seen that. And I work in one of the busiest corporate S&R stores in the country. I don't really trust places like XDA and the like on the Internet for fool-proof information. Most of the people in places like that have no idea what they are talking about, but know just enough to get themselves (and many others) into trouble. They hear or read something and take it for gospel. Places like that can be useful for finding a solution for a problem, but they just as easily can become a breeding ground of min- or dis-information. Their users often use mismatched basebands/modems/ROMs and blame the official release for it when it quite easily could be something they did to the phone themselves or some incompatibility between software flashes. This is why carriers do not work on phones with custom software (Sprint will help people with rooted devices running stock software, but any custom ROMS/firmwares/modems/etc. should not be touched in store, if they do help it is because they want to help, they are under no obligation to help you with a phone that you easily could have broken yourself, and thereby cost the company hundreds of dollars).


    I have had some battery issues on my GS3, but they were all related to Wake-Locks by a a specific app, nothing to do with the phone or base OS itself. In my case, my exchange email got corrupted on the phone and was constantly trying to reconnect to the server every 5 seconds, even after a power cycle. I had to delete my email account and set it up again to fix the issue.


    I discovered this using BetterBatteryStats to monitor wake locks and battery use while the phone goes to sleep. It just started telling me suddenly when I woke my phone up that it was at 100% awake time while asleep, and with a few taps I knew exactly where the issue was. The built-in Battery Use part of Android confirmed it, albeit with much less info to go on.



    I'll have to try tomorrow and see if my GS3 running jelly bean rooted works properly in Sensorly.

  8. Repeaters are usually only installed in stores that have weak RF signals. For example, my store has a repeater in the back because we are equidistant from 4 different towers and are in a zone where phones hop around all the time. The network 500 feet in any direction is usable and doesn't have this issue. But the particular location of the store, combined with the building's materials means a poor experience in the store compared to the surrounding area, obviously Sprint can't let that happen.


    That being said, we have a single T1 coming into the store to provide backhaul to this repeater (from what I can tell based on the maze of wires for the server rack), and while that may have worked when most phones were 1xRTT only, it sure doesn't cut it now in the age of EvDO devices.

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  9. Samsung has a pretty decent photo editor app in there that ties in with the default Gallery app (on the S3 at least) so you can just choose "edit" from the gallery. It is just listed as "Photo Editor" in the Samsung Apps market. It's not hte most fully-featured app, but it does more than I've ever needed on my phone.

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  10. The S2 series is still being released on a number of smaller carriers as new devices. This is just a color refresh, most likely a rebranding of older unsold inventory to generate additional sales. It's what I'd do if I had a ton of unsold new inventory that wasn't going anymore. Discount the price, release a new color and make some profit off of that unused inventory.

  11. Try this: in your dialer, type



    This will re-do the PRL, update the network, and reboot the phone.


    You don't need the MSL for this...but try and see if it helps.


    A ##72786# should require the MSL to work. It wipes out all network programming on the phone without wiping out any customer information. Essentially it is the first have of a full ##786# (RTN - Return To New) which takes EVERYTHING back to stock. It will then make the phone to re-do the OTA activation that it did originally when it was first turned on (because it isn't activated anymore), updating network profile, PRL, firmware update check, etc.


    This may help, but it just as easily could be network-related, not your phone.

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  12. The vast majority of Sprint/Vendor call centers are US-based. There are some overflow call centers located out of the country for when a stateside call center is down or if they are at capacity. The only chance you would get an overseas call center is if the US ones aren't able to take the call for some reason. Sprint has downsized the call center requirements the last few years dramatically (most of these downsizes have been overseas). This is why Sprint has been focusing on getting more features added into Sprint.com and pushing people to use things like Sprint Zone diagnostics on the phone when having issues. This is also why when you call *2 from your phone, it opens up Sprint Zone (android only) to walk you through basic troubleshooting first before having to talk to any reps. 9/10 of the issues reps deal with can be fixed by the phone itself if you follow the instructions on the screen.


    I have noticed the porting department seems to be entirely overseas. Howeve,r I also know that Sprint does not handle number porting directly. Telcordia handles all Sprint number portability.


    Online chat on the other hand... I don't know for sure about this one, but every chat I have ever seen has obviously been with a non-native english speaker.

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  13. Well from my experience in the store, we haven't seen any issues with the SPC2. The first SPC we saw all of the time with weird issues. Usually reflashing the software to it fixed the thing (I'm a fan of the nuke it from orbit approach). Granted, the SPC2 hasn't been out very long so we'll have to see in the long run. So far compared to the same amount of time since release, the SPC2 seems to be doing better than the first.

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  14. Well eHRPD doesn't change the backhaul going to each tower, it just changes the route the data takes from the tower back to the Internet. Instead of going through the 3G switch it goes through the 4G core.






    Speed is so horrible due to it being a mini antenna in the back of a store with who knows how many things hooked up to it sharing the bandwidth.

  15. The DC Now app isn't just software. It leverages hardware in the device as well. The Transform Ultra, Optimus Elite, and Kyocera Rise all use the Qualcomm MSM8655 chipset. I don't know for sure, but I would bet that if the chipset does not support something internally then it won't work. I think after the first NDC on Sprint devices, they don't want to push a truly inferior product out by using software only. NDC and SDC still remain the only sub-second PTT solution I have ever used.

  16. I just got off the phone with Ticket support and they said they would completly wipe my subscription and rebuild my network or something like that. She made me turn off my phone,wait 1 minute and turn it back on. She said OK evrything is fine now. I told her that nothing changed on my phone, It just restarted without any reactivation,updates or anything. She said this was normal. My question is, is this the normal procedure for rebuilding your network or line. Also, thanks for the info on service Tender


    Yes, the phone must be off so it is not checking in with the towers during account rebuild process, your phone checks in with your tower on a slot cycle. So every 2.5 seconds the phone queries the tower as to whether there is a phone call or text message waiting. This is why airplane mode on gives massively better battery life :P .


    Most likely the person you were talking to had already gotten everything setup on the network side and just had to make sure the phone was off before submitting the changes. Since the actual programming on the phone itself would not change; your MDN, MSID, NAI, etc. would all be identical, you most likely wouldn't see anything on your phone when the change went through.

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  17. Service Trender allows the rep/tech to see exactly your specific number on the network. It can show specifically the number of call attempts the network has received from your phone, how many connected fine, how many were blocked (and general errors if they were blocked, including network-specific issues). It also tracks dropped calls that are unexpected on the network. For example, if you are going from native to roaming coverage, it will not count as a dropped calls, because it is entirely expected with hard hand-off between networks like that. It will track a dropped call from a Sprint network hand-off that failed, and can sometimes determine if it was network-caused or not. It also has information directly from our Network Event Board to see specific towers that you have used, and mapping them out to give a visual representation of any drops/blocks/etc. It also shows blocks/drops from the GP (general population) on that same tower, so out of the overall number of calls on that tower, how many it handles that are dropped or blocked. Keep in mind all of this can't necessarily determine a phone vs. network issue, it's just raw data the rep has to interpret and make an educated guess. The only way to know for sure that it isn't the phone is to have the antenna tested, and none of the LTE phones are supported in the retail S&R testing equipment.


    Note that the internal tools don't show us how "healthy" the network is. I.E. data throughput, overall blocks/drops, network overload, etc. IT just shows us currently opened tickets, and we can see the Service Trender for your phone.


    If you are in an area where you are dropping a Sprint signal and roaming back and forth Service Trender may show you green across the board because it is expecting you to have issues there given the context of the area.

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  18. OKC is likely in reference to OKC Queue Control probably. That is where the network teams that handle all Network CTMS tickets are based.


    These are the guys who contact you back within 720 hours after filing a network ticket usually. They are the ones capable of fixing the bizarre issues that aren't directly device or account related. Issues that potentially affect entire Markets before a tower is reported down, etc. Bizarre things like when you can't text a specific person but both your phone and theirs work getting messages from everyone else. Those kinds of things. The bizarre or large problems that a regular tech support or store rep doesn't have the tools or training for.


    They have the most access to the network infrastructure stuff while still being customer-facing in some regards.

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