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  • Phones/Devices
    Galaxy Nexus
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  • Location
    San Antonio
  • Here for...
    4G Information

hhurtado1's Achievements

Member Level: Digital

Member Level: Digital (4/12)



  1. And just when I post (after it has worked for me the past 3 days) it suddenly auto switches making this tip worthless.
  2. I did *#*#info#*#* then phone information and changed the setting to GSM auto (PRL). I'm rooted and this worked for me. The catch: don't reboot without changing the option back to GSM/CMDA auto prl.
  3. Something happened about an hour ago. The new 4G tower is back to 3G for now. Unfortunately, that's the one I need to be 4G. Back to the waiting game.
  4. I'm currently getting 4G from a tower that was 3G yesterday. I am now in the middle of a triangle, where all 3 towers have 4G. Waco, Texas 76706
  5. I'm about 0.6 miles away from the tower I connect to.
  6. I'm not sure what you're asking... excuse my ignorance.
  7. Today my LTE went out in Waco, TX. I had the 4G icon, my network was LTE14, but I had no connection. I got on chat and the rep said they were having issues and it should be resolves shortly. 3 hours later I am getting LTE in areas of my home that I did not previously have. Worth the wait. I'm getting about 4000down 4000up in the middle of my home.
  8. Very true. Well I am in Waco for the time being (at least for a few years for work) so I no longer have to worry about waiting in SA. On another note, I saw a guy working on a tower (that was 4G ready) yesterday and since then my speeds have gone from 25000kbps to 13000kbps. Now, I'm not complaining but just thought I'd share my thoughts for those who care to listen.
  9. So is it just me or was 3G faster in SA before? Seemed like it went the opposite direction ever since NV started.
  10. Strange as I was thinking about that. When I was in San Antonio I noticed that my speeds did feel slower than a few months ago. I don't know if this was because they became slower or if it was psychological as I was taking more and more speedtests.
  11. http://tinyurl.com/7qeujdh :-) But that guy isn't me.
  12. Rookie request here - I am looking at my nearby towers and was wondering if someone could provide pictures (or a description) on what a LTE ready tower looks like and what pre-LTE towers look like.
  13. I'm heading back to San Antonio tonight. I must be stupid to think that I will be welcomed with LTE signal but I still have that small amount of hope that Sprint will choose Sunday night to flip the switch... even though I am betting for a June 25th date or so.
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